Account created on 22 May 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇫🇷France izus

The release 10.0.1 has this in

🇫🇷France izus

i tried it today and worked like a charm.
i can't reproduce this bug

🇫🇷France izus

i configured the exclusion of txt files
i cleared and reindexed items
and then it works : words in text files can no more return results

🇫🇷France izus

duplicate of Drupal 11 Ready Needs review

🇫🇷France izus

THis is now merged

🇫🇷France izus

can you please open à merge request for that

🇫🇷France izus

Thanks for this contribution
looks like it needs a rebase to be mergeable

🇫🇷France izus

thanks for this work
did you test the case where we have many file fields :
example :
field1 with one.pdf
field2 with two.pdf
does the extra field behave well to display both of pdf content in a single view mode ?

🇫🇷France izus

actually all these steps are documented in the README, please feel free to reopen and add the any documentation you find useful

🇫🇷France izus

i thinks this is due to code deprectaion. drupal_get_path() is deprectated :
we need a little patch here

🇫🇷France izus

there is a field formatter that lets you show the extracted text
the extraction result is cached with key "search_api_attachments:$file_id" (See extractOrGetFromCache)

🇫🇷France izus

yes of course, this is what i meant, have an option to let the admin decide if they want to store on database (as currently) or in the file system (as dne by the patch)

🇫🇷France izus

We just need to let user choose to keep storing in database or in files (depending on their needs and possibilities), so an option on that would be great

🇫🇷France izus

never tested it in Windows.
Maybe the path to Java should be adapted too : default is 'java' Please try adapting it too in tika extractor configuration

For more debug :
the file concerned is

The error occurse when the following command is run:

tika_executable -jar tika_executable

to here the patch to tika and the path to java should be correcte and executable

🇫🇷France izus

try a relative path depending on your folder structure?
i would say sth like ./tika//tika-app-2.9.1.jar or ../tika//tika-app-2.9.1.jar
for debug, you can also try with a full path starting by /

🇫🇷France izus

patch #35 worked fine for me

🇫🇷France izus

i had the same need and i released a contributed module for it. Drupal 9 and Drupal 10
you may want to try it :

🇫🇷France izus

i had the same need and i released a contributed module for it.
you may want to try it :

🇫🇷France izus

i had the same need and i released a contributed module for it.
you may want to try it :

🇫🇷France izus

In our case we :

1) Disabled xdebug
2) Restarted php-fmp

and it Worked :)

🇫🇷France izus

duplicate of 🐛 New user save with no terms causes WSOD Fixed

🇫🇷France izus

im afraid we don't have any "multisite" related stuff in this module. so idk why you have this. maybe it's related to some custom config / code

🇫🇷France izus

two things to try i think:

1) try with a simple pdf file (a pdf with few words), just to be sure if it is not a data problem (overlong word...)
2) make sure the view is configured to search in the media field. especially there is an exampel in the README "SIMPLE USAGE EXAMPLE 2"

🇫🇷France izus

created a Merge request for that

🇫🇷France izus

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