Account created on 24 February 2006, about 19 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

as temporary workaround:
* download services tarball into /modules/custom
* use patch above to update services/ for Drupal 11

This will work for bat_api

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Drupal + Commerce + BAT + BEE + BEEHOTEL

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

before dependency is removed you can:

* download services tarball into /modules/custom
* edit .info.yml with Drupal 11 support

Basic features are working and bat_api can produce event lists

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

BEE Hotel will work fine for simple things like one room, or one house.

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Closed for inactivity

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

The roomify code is forked into bat_batroomify
See 📌 merge error on Roomify, bat_roomify module created Needs work

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

This issue is being worked on latest dev, with a more recent Fullcalendar version
Please do not timeline view is now only available with commercial license

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

I see today more tools to handle page and guide hierarchy. Much better indeed.

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

fix format

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve text

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve text

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add images

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve text

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add images

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add images

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve text with images

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

better title

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

fix title code

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

fix title code

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

fix title code

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve navigation

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve navigation

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add image

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

better target

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

sorting pages

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve sorting

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

page sorting

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve page sorting 

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add image

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add image

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

update install

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

update title

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

add label DEPR

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

fix link

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome


🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

Deprecated. Exposed updated link

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

improve text

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

custom PA status

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

update path, add custom PA how to

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

update module list

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

update modules

🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome

updating for Drupal 11

Production build 0.71.5 2024