- Issue created by @afagioli
- Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 7:48pm 25 October 2023 - 🇺🇦Ukraine bohart Lutsk, Ukraine
Hi Augusto,
It looks like there is not much sense to create a separate command for a simple config change.Reroute can be enabled with the default drush command to do so:
drush config-set --input-format=yaml reroute_email.settings enable true -y
Or disabled by executing:
drush config-set --input-format=yaml reroute_email.settings enable false -y
Still, updating README file about these commands can be a good catch.
If someone can create such MR (with README file updates), that would be nice.ps. a new branch should be started from 2.2.x-dev branch (and MR destination branch should also be it).
Thanks! - 🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome
Thanks for your prompt feedback, Bohdan.
I understand a separate command will give more control in terms of diagnostic . You can see that as starting point on customizing reroute_mail behavior on more complex scenario to be handled from Drupal itself.
You work here is just great. So appreciated indeed.
- Merge request !69Issue #3396705 by bohart: Updated README file by adding a new section "Configuration via drush". → (Merged) created by bohart
bohart →
committed ee610de7 on 2.3.x
Issue #3396705 by bohart: Updated README file by adding a new section "...
bohart →
committed ee610de7 on 2.3.x
- Merge request !70Issue #3396705 by bohart: Fixed line ending in REAME file ("Configuration via drush" section). → (Merged) created by bohart
bohart →
committed 8d72e216 on 2.3.x
Issue #3396705 by bohart: Fixed line ending in README file ("...
bohart →
committed 8d72e216 on 2.3.x
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 10:07pm 28 November 2023 - 🇺🇦Ukraine bohart Lutsk, Ukraine
README file has been updated with a brand new section "Configuration via drush". So, if email rerouting needs to be enabled/disabled or allowlist needs to be configured within some automated script, there is a helpful ready-to-go drush command to copy-paste.
This section in README file itself:
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/reroute_email/-/tree/2.3.x#configurat...After internal discussions with the team, the separate drush command is still considered a bit overhead (as everything can be achieved with the default available commands).
All changes are committed to 2.3.x dev branch.
So, this will be a part of the next 2.3 series releases.Thanks for raising this issue!
- 🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome
Feature in subject is now part of reroute email BE →
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.