Closing this issue as the patch here works: →
So I just wanted to post a fix for this so that anyone else struggling with this.
Make sure to target the correct form ID to the forms you want to set.
In a custom module add this code in the mymodule.module file:
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// List of relevant form IDs for Bibcite.
$target_form_ids = [
// Check if the current form is one of the target forms.
if (in_array($form_id, $target_form_ids)) {
// Check if the Keywords field exists in the form.
if (isset($form['keywords']['widget']['#options']) && is_array($form['keywords']['widget']['#options'])) {
// Sort the options alphabetically.
avo webworks → created an issue.
avo webworks → created an issue.
Indeed thank you @megachriz it was a composer issue, and I was able to uninstall remove the vendor folder and reinstalled just fine.
Much appreciate your comment that identified where I needed to look!
avo webworks → created an issue.
So it looks like me request for support at the group_action module got closed as it does not pertain to group actions. Which is partially true. I am looking for a group condition and not a group action.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you @jurgenhaas I've created the support request there: 💬 Working with groups module, check if user is a member of the group and if they are the admin of that group. Active
I also really want to thank you for creating those videos where you walk through specific scenarios. Those have been tremendously helpful in getting started with ECA! What a great module. Thank you.
avo webworks → created an issue.
avo webworks → created an issue.
Hello @jcnventura.
This patch works for me but I am hesitant to set the patch status to "RTBC" as described in the link you had me refer to I quote:
"Setting an issue to this status is a judgment call: if you have thoroughly tested and reviewed the patch and believe it is ready, you may change the status. If you are unsure, the status should not be changed. Simply add the findings of your review to the issue.
Remember that even if one or two community members believe an issue is ready, that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be committed. If it is not, it can be reverted to an earlier status. The better the reviews, the more likely the code will actually get committed."
Personally, it would be great if we had a few more folks test before marking it RTBC...
Having said that this patch is a fantastic addition to the module in order to also track sessions.
Thank you for this module and the work folks have done on it!
To get around this issue in ECA don't use the Pre-configured Add role action but instead use the Entity: Set Field Value.
Method: Append when not full yet.
Field name: roles
Filed value: The machine name of your role
This works well without error being thrown by this module.
I have the same error.
when creating a new entity = user ECA is to set a role.
Error is the same as reported:
TypeError: administerusersbyrole_user_assign_role(): Argument #2 ($account) must be of type Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface, null given
Wonderful patch #17 works well and this is a great addition to the module. Thank you for your work @mkalkbrenner!
Great if this can be committed to the module.
Great. So I was able to install this on a clean Drupal 10 install but in composer under required:
"drupal/core": "^10.1",
instead of
"drupal/core-recommended": "^10.1",
The core-recommended gave me the composer error:
psr/cache[1.0.0, 1.0.1] but the package is fixed to 3.0.0 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
As soon as I moved to core instead of core-recommended I was able to install.
@robcarr this may help you, as I see you were also getting that error message in composer.
Thanks everyone for your work on getting this module working for Drupal 10!!
I've uploaded a patch file for now until the merge request is in place. This way @robcarr can test as well.
I am having the same issues and not able to install this on upgrade to Drupal 10 nor on a bare Drupal 10 site either. Same errors as reported in #7.
Is it possible to update the patch for the latest version of the group module?
I just wanted to say how helping this thread is in terms of figuring out how to use the latest version (4) of this module. Thank you @Joachim and @wxman for your time in posting your process!
Would love to see the release as this is also for us the last remaining issue before we can upgrade to Drupal 10. Anything we can do to help?
@NikLP and @somersoft the issue in comment #8 is not included in the branch which still uses the variable_get... the patch in #8 does include in this fix.
AvO WebWorks → created an issue.
I have created a patch for this.
Here is the patch file includes patch comment 5 as well as the issue below:
Error: Call to undefined function variable_get() in course_relationships_cron() (line 464 of ......./modules/contrib/course_relationships/course_relationships.module)
variable_get is replaced by:
While using the patch I get an error:
Error: Call to undefined function variable_get() in course_relationships_cron() (line 464 of ......./modules/contrib/course_relationships/course_relationships.module)
variable_get is replaced by:
Here is the new patch which adds the to the patch in #7 and includes the keywords issue.
I had a very similar issue:
Error: Call to a member function label() on null in Drupal\bibcite_entity\Normalizer\ReferenceNormalizerBase->extractKeywords()
line 284: $keywords[] = $field->entity->label();
Changed to:
$keywords[] = $field->entity ? $field->entity ->label() : NULL;
Fixed the issue.
I have the same problem.
"This field is needed for" function has stopped working in the latest update. When you select a role here the field isn't show.