🇮🇳India @kulpratap2002

Account created on 27 September 2024, 21 days ago

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🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@anybody i have solved all the phpcs and cspell errors but it is failing the phpunit in pipeline, should i also solve that?

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

I have resolved all the remaining phpcs error but pipeline is not passed.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@rohan_singh I tried to solve the errors that are present in the console but the error is due to the capital 'TRUE' & 'FALSE' in js file, if we write true and false instead of TRUE and FALSE the error goes away, but if we write 'true' and 'false' it is showing phpcs error and it is giving console error, and there is one more issue is that it is not deleting the paragraph because there is one function is missing ( paragraphParent() ) in the ParagraphLocator.php.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@anybody i try to change the summed amount on the basis of the newly added product in the cart , i think the issue is not in the commerce_add_to_cart module the issue is in the cart module which is a sub module of the commerce module, since the commerce module is tha parent module of the commerce_add_to_cart module it is taking data like 'total_price' from the OrderTotal and other files of the commerce module, so the issue is not in this module.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

You can use commerce_add_to_cart module which display a dialouge box to show the product that has been added to the cart.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@ben.I tried to reproduce this error in Drupal 10 and Drupal 11 both , but i was unable to reproduce this error because the unpublished node links are not visible to anonymous users , i have created 2 nodes one is unpublished and another one published then i have created a menu for both nodes with title article 1 and article 2 and then created a mega menu for that menu but it is working fine, I have attached screenshots you can see.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@pearls What do you mean by "I get the following PHP error when I do anything else with user" can you please ellaborate what are you doing with the user because i can't able to reproduce the issue in my site everything is working right on the User Interface.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

I have generated MR, Kindly check it.
No Warning after that.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

@riddhi.addweb please check again because there is no phpcs error in branch : 3336398-fix-drupal-coding and MR code also don't have any phpcs issue, have you checked my last commit ?

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

The latest version of the module (10.x-1.x) has no PHPCS errors; however, the version tagged as 1.0.2 does have errors. When installing the module, it is currently downloading version 1.0.2. For the new release, please merge the module with the latest version.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

Can you please ellaborate that how to reprodue this issue.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

I am using drupal core 10 version as toastify works with drupal 8, 9, 10 and i'm using 8.x-1.x-dev version, also checked the issue for 8.x-1.0 version of toastify, still i am not able to produce any issue.
Configs are not deleted, the last configs of toastify that where it should be shown, position are still there no user roles and anything can't be deleted.
Toastify working fine.

🇮🇳India kulpratap2002

Hi alfthecat ,
I am unable to reproduce the issue, and the styling is also there and the messages are shown as per the configuration , is there anything you have missed then let me inform so such that i will able to reproduce the error
I have attached the Screenshot that it does not delete anything.

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