Account created on 27 October 2023, 8 months ago
  • Associate Software Engineer at Innoraft 

Merge Requests


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Hii @riddhi.addweb , If you are facing some other issue , please create a new issue for it . The issue you are mentioning is not due to above MR . And for testing above issue you have to create nested menus then test the MR .

Applied this MR 8 , MR works fine . Redirect specification is optional and it works well for specified users . RTBC++.

Tested the MR!, user after logging in is redirected to the current path. The MR is also working for other paths. RTBC++

Tested the MR! Tags are designed properly in both mobile and desktop view . RTBC++.

Tested the MR! , MR applied successfully . Custom text option for 'Home' link is there on the config page . The value in the custom text field is visible on the breadcrumb . Attached screenshot for refrence. RTBC++.

Hii @Kanchan Bhogade, Please move the issue to RTBC state.

Fixed some spacing issue , now it should work fine .

@mortona2k can you share a video or image , of what issue you are facing

@mortona2k Tried the patch in a fresh setup , its working for me,

Module working fine for me , just don't manually type the link in the field instead copy the whole link from browser.

@mortona2k , I have solved and tested the issue but the MR is getting a phpunit error , can you please look into it ??

Its wroking fine for me, can you share a video or image of issue , you are facing

@DieterHolvoet I think the above error is due to this - 🐛 The core/drupal.message library requires a status_messages render element Active , after the mentioned core issue get resolved , we can make a js function that show status messages as a toast

@dll416 The admin configure page works fine for me. I am not getting any errror.

Heyy @EstherTempel the issue is replicating in claro and all other themes also and the error message are not getting any css and there is no template in the module which describes how the errors should be shown in validation, by default they are taking css (if available) from the default theme .

@divya.sejekan Solved the error , and remove slide function is asynchronous and i think we don't need to make the add slide functionality asynchronous , because it will require to change many correlated things to it

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