Hi, I have encountered the same issue with Search API Solr 4.3.7 and Solr 9.8.0. I found the following at the Logging page of Solr config;
WARN false
Configset references one or more <lib/> directives,​ but <lib/> usage is disabled on this Solr node. Either remove all <lib/> tags from the relevant configset,​ or <strong>enable use of this feature by setting 'solr.config.lib.enabled=true'</strong>
I have taken another solution and it works.
sudo vi /etc/default/solr.in.sh
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.config.lib.enabled=true"
Major Changes in Solr 9.8: https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/upgrade-notes/major-changes-in-solr-9.html#solr-9-8
@dinarcon, thank you for reply.
I will continue to use CKEditor 4 + ckeditor_font 2.0.0-beta4 as long as
CKEditor 5 Paste from Word issue #3447491
CKEditor 5 Paste from Word: image disappeared when reopening Edit tab
remains unresolved.
It was just a question, and no further investigation is needed.
Hi, I'm still using CKEditor 4, and I have a question.
Is Version 2.0.0-beta5 incompatible with CKEditor 4?
I have updated 2.0.0-beta4 to 2.0.0-beta5, the following error occurred when creating a node because web/libraries/font was deleted.
ValueError: Path cannot be empty in file_get_contents() (line 1097 of core/modules/locale/locale.module).
_locale_parse_js_file() (Line: 529)
locale_js_translate() (Line: 367)
Drupal\ckeditor\Plugin\Editor\CKEditor->getJSSettings() (Line: 82)
Drupal\editor\Plugin\EditorManager->getAttachments() (Line: 100)
Best regards,
One month has passed, this could be closed as won't fix.
Hello muthukris, you might want to check each Twig version.
head [your path]/docroot/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG -n 1
head [your path]/simplesamlphp/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG -n 1
In my case;
# 3.10.3 (2024-05-16)
simplesamlphp 2.2.2
# 3.9.3 (2024-04-18)
If Twig version under your docroot/vendor/twig/twig is before 3.9 and you are using composer for upgrading Drupal, how about trying Drupal 10.2.7 dry-run check? For example;
cp -p composer.json composer.json.`date '+%Y%m%d'`
cp -p composer.lock composer.lock.`date '+%Y%m%d'`
composer require drupal/core:10.2.7 drupal/core-composer-scaffold:10.2.7 drupal/core-project-message:10.2.7 --update-with-dependencies --no-update
composer update drupal/core "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies --dry-run
I think you can see Twig version to be update. (After confirmation, please revert composer.json and composer.lock.)
Please try the reproduce steps of #8 🐛 CKEditor 5 Paste from Word: image disappeared when reopening Edit tab Active .
kubokura → created an issue.
Hello, @vinaik, thank you for attaching the video file, that helps a lot.
Could you select "Full HTML" at the Text format field, and try the steps again?
I confirmed the issue was not reproduced when I selected "Basic HTML" as your operation in the video.
Hi, @vinaik, thank you for your quick response.
Could you try the Steps to reproduce ?
1. Open TextAndImgForPasteTest.docx, copy text and image, paste it into CKEditor 5 field of Edit tab, and save the content.
2. Go to View tab, the image is appeared correctly.
3. Go to Edit tab, the image is disappeared.
It looks you just uploaded "Screenshot%202024-05-16%20at%202.57.40%E2%80%AFPM.png" (shown on source-mode.png) with "Upload image" icon. In that way, you cannot reproduce this issue.
Best regards,
kubokura → created an issue.
Hi @Wim Leers, just for your information.
- I think this issue looks the same as the forum topic of
https://www.drupal.org/forum/support/post-installation/2022-02-24/ckeditor-inserting-extra-line-breaks →
- API and contribute modules in order to use
tag for line break by pressing Enter key;
For CKEditor 4, there are CKEditor 4's API ("enterMode" config option) and a contribute module like "CKEditor custom config" (
https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor_config →
) to specify the config option ("enterMode = 2").
For CKEditor 5, there is CKEditor 5's API and event (https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/api-and-events.html#using-events), but no contribute module at this moment.
- I think there are two disadvantages in using
tags for line break;
1. Line hight looks double in rich text field (e.g. CKEditor 5 field) -> This can be solved by CSS "p { margin: 0; }" as @gisle mentioned at the forum topic.
2. An empty line is added after every line when copying text from rich text field and pasting to plain text field (including plain text editor like Windows Notepad). -> I have no idea to solve this. I guess this is copying and pasting specification of Windows.
Hi, @joseph.olstad, thank you for your comment. I'm afraid my website is not using facets_pretty_paths module.
Hi, @SandeepSingh199, it seems that once CSS/JS cache is created, the symptom will not occur.
Steps to reproduce
1.Start web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox), login as an administrator, go to Configuration > Development > Performance, turn off "Aggregate CSS files" and "Aggregate JavaScript files" and save configuration in order to clear JS/CSS cache under private/drupal-sites-default/files.
2.Turn on "Aggregate CSS files" or "Aggregate JavaScript files", save configuration, and logout.
3.End web browser, restart web browser, login as a user, go to user profile screen (go to /en/user/nnn). (See user_profile.png.)
4.In address bar of web browser, replace "en" of language code with other language code (e.g. "ja").
5.The English screen remains unchanged. [reproduced]
6.End web browser, restart web browser, login as a user, go to user profile screen (go to /en/user/nnn).
7.In address bar of web browser, replace "en" of language code with other language code (e.g. "ja").
8.The other language (e.g. Japanese) screen appears. [not reproduced]
Hi, I noticed the symptom also occurred on user profile screen. I'm sorry for informing you lately. Here are the reproduce steps.
Steps to reproduce
1.Login as an administrator, go to Configuration > Development, turn on "Aggregate CSS files" or "Aggregate JavaScript files", and logout.
2.Login as a user, go to user profile screen (go to /en/user/nnn). (See user_profile.png.)
3.In address bar of web browser, replace "en" of language code with other language code (e.g. "ja").
4.The English screen remains unchanged.
Expected behavior
The other language (e.g. Japanese) screen appears. (See user_profile(expected).png.)
best regards,
Thank you for your response. The previous reproduce steps are too rough, sorry for that. Here is detail reproduce steps. (I can't prepare clean install environment of Drupal 10.1 at this moment.)
Steps to reproduce
1.Login as a administrator, go to Configuration > Development, turn on "Aggregate CSS files" or "Aggregate JavaScript files".
2.Go to Content, click Add content, click Basic page, and create two contents.
- English content
Title: 2023/12/15 (en)
Language: English
- Another language (e.g. Japanese) content
Title: 2023/12/15 (ja)
Language: Japanese
3.Go to Structure > Views, click Add view, and create a view.
- View name: Basic page list
- Views settings: Show "Content" of type: "Basic page" sorted by: "Newest first"
- Page settings:
-- Create a page: checked
-- Page title: Basic page list
-- Path: basic-page-list
-- Page display settings - Display format: Table
Save the view.
4."Basic page list (Content)" page appears, specify Fields and Filter criteria;
- At Fields, add "Original language" of "Content".
- At Filter criteria, add "Original language" of "Content", select "Is one of" for Operator, select "Interface text language selected for page" for Language.
Save "Basic page list (Content)".
5.Click Translate view tab, add another language (e.g. Japanese).
"Edit Japanese translation for Basic page list view" appears, specify as follows;
- Displays > Default Display settings > Basic page list Default display options > Fields
-- Title Views entity field handler, enter "TAITORU" in "Create a label" field.
-- Original language Views entity field handler, enter "GENGO" in "Create a label" field.
6.Go to /en/basic-page-list, "2023/12/15 (en)" appears in the table, and "Title" and "Other language" appears at the table header.
(See basic-page-list.png.)
7.In address bar of web browser, replace "en" of language code with other language code (e.g. "ja").
8."2023/12/15 (en)", "Title" and "Other language" remains.
Expected behavior
"2023/12/15 (ja)" appears in the table, and "TAITORU" and "GENGO" appears at the table header.
(See basic-page-list(expected).png.)
best regards,
kubokura → created an issue.
kubokura → created an issue.
I'm sorry to bother you. It seems the cause is patch of
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3035288 →
I have reverted the patch and the issue is not reproduced. Please close this issue.
(I patched 3035288-34.patch because "The website encountered an unexpected error." occurs when accessing /admin/appearance with Drupal 10.1.6.)
kubokura → created an issue.
Hi, @ad0z, thank you for the update. acl-validate-changes-3389445-19.patch works for me. Username is entered successfully without selecting suggested username.
Hi, @ad0z, thank you for the new patch.
The same symptom "The username isn't added in "Current users" list without "Invalid user specified." error message." occurs, so I modified your patch a little, and it works for me.
+ $uid = $form_state->getValue([$acl_wrapper_key, 'add']);
-> + $uid = $form_state->getValue([$acl_wrapper_key, 'view', 'add']);
Hi, @ad0z, I'm sorry. I applied the patch against acl 8.x-1.1 on Drupal 9.5.11.
Please disregard my comment of Oct 25.
I still can't upgrade to D10 due to composer error, so I can't apply the patch correctly at this moment.
Hi, thank you for the patch. Unfortunately the patch doesn't work well for me.
Steps to reproduce
1. Copy a username from other web page or txt file, and paste it to the user field.
2. Suggested username appears under the auto-complete user field, but ignore it, and hit the [Add user] button.
3. The username isn't added in "Current users" list without "Invalid user specified." error message.
best regards,
Thank you for reply, and sorry for typo.
wrong: v1.1.0 to v1.0.0-beta1
correct: 8.x-1.1 to 8.x-1.0-beta1
And here is a patch against 8.x-1.x-dev (dev-1.x 963031f).
best regards,
kubokura → created an issue.
Hi DYdave-san, thank you for the patch.
The patch works for me. Terms appear correctly instead of blank.
(It seems the patch conflicts with 4.diff on
"- Select a value -" appears at bottom of lists
, so I have needed to edit js/views/WidgetView.js manually.)
Hi, DYdave-san, thank you for the patch.
The patch works for me. Japanese terms appear correctly in Japanese pages.
(By the way, I also use the patch of 4.diff on
"- Select a value -" appears at bottom of lists
Hi, it seems StringTranslationTrait is cause of this issue.
Proposed resolution
To Comment out "use StringTranslationTrait;" in ShsTaxonomyIndexTid.php and OptionsShsWidget.php works for me.
(Proposed resolution of June 13 is unnecessary.)
diff ShsTaxonomyIndexTid.php ShsTaxonomyIndexTid.php.orig
< //use Drupal\shs\StringTranslationTrait;
> use Drupal\shs\StringTranslationTrait;
< // use StringTranslationTrait;
> use StringTranslationTrait;
diff OptionsShsWidget.php OptionsShsWidget.php.orig
< //use Drupal\shs\StringTranslationTrait;
> use Drupal\shs\StringTranslationTrait;
< // use StringTranslationTrait;
> use StringTranslationTrait;
Thank you for the patch.
The patch works for me. A translation has been created successfully.
The code below worked for me with CKEditor 5 in Drupal 9.5 when conducting a feasibility study.
Proposed resolution
Modify /node_edit_protection/node-edit-protection.js.
// Add CKEditor support.
if (typeof (CKEDITOR) != 'undefined' && typeof (CKEDITOR.instances) != 'undefined') {
for (var i in CKEDITOR.instances) {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[i].checkDirty()) {
edit = true;
// Add these code for CKEditor 5 support.
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('js-text-full text-full resize-vertical');
if (elements) {
for (var i in elements) {
if (elements[i].hasAttribute) {
var editor = Drupal.CKEditor5Instances.get(elements[i].getAttribute('data-ckeditor5-id'));
if (editor) {
if (elements[i].getAttribute('data-editor-value-is-changed')) {
edit = true;
Thank you for your reply. My comment was not enough.
- Code of "$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = "text/html";" has worked OK with phpmailer_smtp 2.1.0. I noticed "charset=UTF-8" is added by someone.
- Code of "$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = "text/html";" doesn't work OK with phpmailer_smtp 2.2.3. I noticed "charset=UTF-8" should be added in the code as you mentioned.
Today I have confirmed the patch does work for my website, so my information does not help at all. I'm sorry for your confusion.
It seems the symptom occurs when adding "$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = "text/html";" in hook_mail().
Steps to reproduce
1)Upgrade module from 2.1.0 to 2.2.3.
module 4.0.2.
3)Modify /examples/modules/email_example/email_example.module.
case 'contact_message':
/* add this */ $message['headers']['Content-Type'] = "text/html";
$from = \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('mail');
4)Login to your website as administrator, and go to /examples/email-example (or click Examples > Email Example of menu bar).
Enter your email address in the E-mail address field, enter "あいう" of Japanese in the Message field, and Click Submit button.
5)Received email shows wrong characters. (See some_characters_wrong.png.)
kubokura → created an issue.
My website is also multilingual, and I've got the error when creating a translation.
Steps to reproduce
1)Upgrade module from 8.x-1.0-alpha4 to 2.0.0-rc1.
(Not doing rebuilding content permissions.)
2)Create an English content. (published as default)
3)Create a translation of Japanese. (published as default)
4)Get the error.
The following code works for me to show a term of the third dropdown. (See dropdown.png.)
$('#edit-field-assignedto-taxonomy').change(function() {
$val = $('#edit-field-assignedto-taxonomy-shs-0-2').children('option:selected').text();
console.log('got val= ' + $val);
Use Inspector tab of Web Developer Tools of browser (e.g Firefox) to find two id names above. (See developertools.png.)
kubokura → created an issue.
In addition to the reproduce steps above, I have added action4, action5, action6 with 3.0.0-beta3. Then the problem is not reproduced.
It seems 'Any State' selected at 8.x-1.0-alpha3 becomes invalid at 3.0.0-beta3. (See add_action4~6.PNG, the term 'any' of action1,2,3 and the term 'Any State' of action4,5,6.)
Here are additional steps.
[With 3.0.0-beta3]
Go to https://your website/en/admin/config/workflow/workflow/example_workflow/notifications .
Click Add Notification button and create the following three;
Label=action4, From state=Any State, To state=state1, Subject=[action4], Message=action4
Label=action5, From state=Any State, To state=state2, Subject=[action5], Message=action5
Label=action6, From state=Any State, To state=state3, Subject=[action6], Message=action6
It seems you need to start from 8.x-1.0-alpha3 to reproduce. Is this an update issue from 8.x-1.0 to 3.0.0?
Here is a repro step.
(Conditions: Drupal 9.5.5 + workflow 1.6.0 + workflow_notifications 8.x-1.0-alpha3 then 3.0.0-beta3)
[With 8.x-1.0-alpha3]
1. With administrator account
Go to https:///admin/config/workflow/workflow .
Click Add workflow and create the following;
Click Save.
Go to https:///admin/config/workflow/workflow/example_workflow/states .
Click Add State and create the following three;
Click Save.
Go to https:///admin/config/workflow/workflow/example_workflow/transition_roles .
Check Author and Authenticated user checkbox for the following four;
From Creation To state1, state2, state3
From state1 To state2, state3
From state2 To state1, state3
From state3 To state1, state2
Click Save configuration.
Go to https:///admin/config/workflow/workflow/example_workflow/notifications .
Click Add Notification (Add Mail Notification) and create the following three;
Label=action1, From state=Any State, To state=state1, Subject=[action1], Message=action1
Label=action2, From state=Any State, To state=state2, Subject=[action2], Message=action2
Label=action3, From state=Any State, To state=state3, Subject=[action3], Message=action3
Note.Settings of When to trigger=On State change, Email addresses=[current-user:mail] and Text format=Basic HTML are the same for all.
Go to https:///admin/structure/types .
Click Add content type and create the following;
Click Save and manage fields.
Automatically go to https:///admin/structure/types/manage/example_content/fields .
Click Add field and create the following;
Add a new field=Workflow state, Label=example_status
Click Save and continue.
Automatically go to https:///admin/structure/types/manage/example_content/fields/node.example_content.field_example_status/storage .
Set Workflow type to example_workflow.
Click Save field settings.
Automatically go to https:///admin/structure/types/manage/example_content/fields/node.example_content.field_example_status .
Set Field visibility and permissions to Custom permissions.
Check Authenticated user checkbox in all rows.
Click Save settings.
Go to https:///admin/structure/types/manage/example_content/permissions .
Check Authenticatid user checkbox in all rows.
Click Save permissions.
Go to https:///admin/content .
Click Add content, click example_content, enter "test" in the Title field.
Copy the URL of the node (e.g. https:///node/nnnn).
2. With your account
Go to https:///node/nnnn/workflow .
Check state2 and Click Update workflow. (from state1 to state2)
The problem is NOT reproduced.
[With 3.0.0-beta3]
On the linux OS console screen, update to 3.0.0-beta3.
composer require 'drupal/workflow_notifications:^3.0@beta'
drush updb
drush cr
3. With your account
Go to https:///node/nnnn/workflow .
Check state3 and Click Update workflow. (from state2 to state3)
The problem is reproduced.
Check state1 and Click Update workflow. (from state3 to state1)
The problem is reproduced.
Check state2 and Click Update workflow. (from state1 to state2)
The problem is reproduced.
Yes, I ran drush updb.
composer require 'drupal/workflow_notifications:^3.0@beta'
drush updb
drush cr
By the way, the problem is reproduced with 3.0.0-beta3 (the latest beta).
Thank you for your reply. The problem is also reproduced with 3.0.x-dev.
And sorry for less information.
On /admin/config/workflow/workflow/WORKFLOW_ID/notifications/LABEL/edit screen,
when I set "From state" to "Any state", the problem is reproduced,
when I set "From state" to specific state like "In Draft", the problem is not reproduced.