Account created on 7 March 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

False alarm.

The issue I discovered was in part due to an old patch.

Sorry guys.

Attesting that the proposed feature works as intended. However, I've experienced issues running the supplied functional tests for the patch--in one case, I got a "service 'lock' has a dependency on a non-existent service 'memcache.lock.factory'". And in another, "class 'Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestCase' not found" occurred. This may be due to my ignorance or possibly other factors. The patch works fine for my requirements, although I'd encourage others to review and share their experience.

Submitted patch works, but fails a test -- Drupal\Tests\datetime\Functional\Views\FilterDateTest, due to a schema error despite numerous attempts to patch (views.pager.schema.yml).

Views Configuration Form:

Pager State after Update:

The attached patch expands on the work done in the issue fork - injecting the 'pagination_heading_level' into both full and mini pagers, as well as updating all core theme pager templates. For the life of me, I could not access 'pager_rewrite_elements' from the view config, so instead I added a method to filter out the heading elements from 'field_rewrite_elements'.

Submitting simple patch that fixes reliance on deprecated default access check. Might be useful for those who need the changes before the @omkar_yewale PR is merged.

Submitting simple patch that fixes reliance on deprecated default access check.

Production build 0.69.0 2024