🇨🇴Colombia @ismaelromero

Somewhere in the exotic Colombia
Account created on 23 November 2022, almost 2 years ago
  • Fullstack Developer at SeeD EM 

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🇨🇴Colombia ismaelromero Somewhere in the exotic Colombia

Hi Izus, thank you for your observation and comment.

I conducted the tests by creating a new content type with two file fields (Multi-file Article):

I then created a test content item using this content type:

Both files are displayed correctly in a single view mode, as shown:

However, I noticed a potential issue: if the content of the first PDF file is too lengthy, the entire text is rendered on the page, which may push down or obscure the content of the second file. This behavior might require a solution, such as limiting the displayed content length.

I remain open to any further comments and/or suggestions.

🇨🇴Colombia ismaelromero Somewhere in the exotic Colombia

After completing the installation of the module, applying the relevant patch, and configuring both the module and the Apache Tika extractor, I conducted a series of comprehensive tests. The results confirm that it is now possible to utilize file content in view modes.

Below are images illustrating the process and the results obtained:

  1. Article display configuration

  2. Article edit with attached file

  3. Attachment presented as a generic file

  4. Attachment with content displayed

Based on my testing, I can confirm that the requirements are being adequately met.

I welcome any additional comments or suggestions.

🇨🇴Colombia ismaelromero Somewhere in the exotic Colombia

Currently going through this issue and the suggested fix. I’ll post my review soon.

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