bsingh → changed the visibility of the branch 3422765-drupal-10-compatibility to active.
bsingh → changed the visibility of the branch 3422765-drupal-10-compatibility to hidden.
Same error in the status report - is there any patch or solution available?
Patch #15 fixed the issue!
Has anyone been successful in retrieving the 'Link Types' such as email or phone?
Rolling back to symfony/mailer:6.4.0 doesn't make any difference. I have only one SMTP transport and not using any advanced SMTP options.
bsingh → created an issue.
Same error!
I am getting the same warning when images on the page have broken links and the exposed form search block in the site header is enabled. There are no warning upon disabling that block. I have to rebuild the cache each time.
Thank you for your reply and for all those valuable links @ wombatbuddy →
Just to clarify, we are discussing admin setting values for form elements [snapshot], not the values displayed on the front-end form fields.
Following your suggestion, I utilized the hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave function and successfully obtained the stock value [from $my_webform] and quantity for each product [from from $my_webform_submission], allowing me to update the stock accordingly.
I guess I am on the last bit to update the product elements stock value which effects in admin webform build.
$my_webform_submission_data = $my_webform_submission->getData();
$my_webform = $my_webform_submission->getWebform();
$my_webform_elements = $my_webform->getElementsInitializedAndFlattened();
$my_webform_entity = $my_webform_submission->getSourceEntity(); //this one is returning a null
foreach ($my_webform_submission_data as $my_webform_key => $my_webform_element) {
if () {
$my_products_new_stock = ... // conditions and calculations are working fine to find out new stock of each product
// Now I want to update the elements setting value - check snapshot
// I tried all below without any luck
//$my_webform_entity->$my_webform_key->my_product_stock->value = $my_products_new_stock;
//$my_webform->setElementProperties($my_webform_key, $my_products_new_stock);
//$my_webform_entity->set($my_webform_key, $my_products_new_stock);
Simply a direct download link and function that calls an API function. More details above!
Thanks @ bitsfs →
There are a few ways I'm considering, but I'm not sure how practical they are.
I have a simple Guzzle GET() call and I want to display the throbber just during this call. Is it possible to do this in PHP/Drupal? If not, how can I trigger JavaScript just before or after the call? This is a direct download link (no Ajax) that brings in large remote files and prepares for download. This process is taking time.
I would prefer to use the core throbber instead of a custom one, which I tried with custom HTML and JS files, but I can't find the exact trigger to hide it back after the download is finished.
I know there are better ways, so I'm open to any suggestions!
bsingh → created an issue.
As mentioned by @nchristensen - this is related to the server/hosting environments.
Acquia has something similar: