🇮🇳India @Madhu Kumar M E

Account created on 25 April 2022, about 2 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

HI @kopboy,

This module is compatible only for Drupal 8 and 9 only, we can't install this module on Drupal 10 until it gets upgraded to the Drupal 10 version.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Hi ,

below of this code will might help you for this kind scenario,
You can create a preprocess function specifically for the image-caption formatter and pass the count of images as a variable to the Twig template. Here's how you can do it:

use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface;
 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for image_caption_formatter.
function themeName_preprocess_image_caption_formatter(&$variables) {
  // Get the field items from the variables array.
  $items = $variables['items'];
  // Initialize a counter for the number of images.
  $imageCount = 0;
  // Loop through the field items to count the number of images.
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    if ($item instanceof FieldItemListInterface) {
      foreach ($item as $imageItem) {
        // Check if the item is an image.
        if ($imageItem->entity instanceof \Drupal\file\Entity\File) {
  // Pass the image count variable to the template.
  $variables['image_count'] = $imageCount;

you can use the image_count variable to determine which code variant to render:

{% if image_count > 1 %}
  {# Variant 1 code #}
{% elseif image_count == 1 %}
  {# Variant 2 code #}
{% endif %}
🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Hi @adarshv ,

Now slider is up working as expected attaching screenshot for the same.


🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Hi @jsacksick,

The root cause of this issue has been identified. The commerce module utilizes the 'commerce_number_pattern_sequence' table to manage this process.

Within this table, there is a field named 'generated' where we update the timestamp.

During the payment process completion, our code selects the last record from this table and attempts to update the value. However, the query fails due to the 'generated' field.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

I'm also facing same issue on Drupal 8.9.x , attaching screenshot for the same.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Hi i applied patch #3 it's not getting applied, i applied with proper path still i could not able to apply i it , attaching screenshot for the same

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

@gautam I applied and tested your patch it working fine, still some warnings will be there but its not concern to fix it, attaching screenshot for ref for the same

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Hi i have applied patch #2 has been successfully and attached screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

This issue can be fixed by adding simple css code in style.css file

top-header-wrapper .left-top-header {
    display: block;
🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

I have applied patch #11 not getting applied, please find attached screenshot for your reference.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

The above patch #4 applied cleanly is compatible with d10 , it can install the module without any issue, attached screenshot for the same

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

I have applied patch #2 it applied cleanly , attached screenshot for the reference below .

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

The Better Exposed Filters module integrates with the date type fields, including the date popup. You can use this module to easily add an exposed filter with the date popup.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

To render a field's default value in twig file, you would typically use a Twig variable as in
{{ node.field_some_name.value }}

The twig_tweak module greatly simplifies such tasks and can give easier twig statements for field values. we can try this module and play around it.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

I have applied above patch , patch not applied successfully having some issue attached screenshot for the same.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

it looks like the PathBasedBreadcrumbBuilder is using TitleResolver->getTitle() to add the desired string to the breadcrumb.

load the title from the configurations, because the Route that is generated doesn't contain the correct title in the default values.

The above patch working fine.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

This issue included the addition of inline JavaScript to so it could load before anything on the page was rendered.i got fixed by adding this to the .theme file instead of creating a new page inc

function THEME_page_attachments_alter(&$variables) {
  if(\Drupal::currentUser()->isAnonymous()) {
    $variables['#attached']['html_head'] = array_filter($variables['#attached']['html_head'], function($item) {
      return $item[1] !== 'anti_flicker_js';
🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

This can be done through installing Drupal console on the project directory and need to run following command.

Go to drupal console directory run

Sudo vendor/bin/Drupal Site:mode dev

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

@dhavalpanchal could you please describe issue so that we may give solution or we can apply patch to it

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

I applied path #2 patch not applied properly and please find below screenshot for your reference.
I have created new patch and please do Review.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

@Maico de Jong

I made a mistake, i didn't checked my directory properly.
Verified the patch #16 and tested it on Drupal version 10.1.x. The patch works fine also and I have added the screenshots for reference.

Thanks for reminding me.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Verified the patch #167 and tested it on Drupal version 10.1.x. The patch works fine in 10.1.x also and I have added the screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India Madhu Kumar M E

Trying to applying latest patch not applying. Added screenshot for reference.

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