Account created on 16 November 2021, almost 3 years ago

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thanks @laurii
yes!, closing as duplicate issue

Seems to be duplicate ticket for πŸ› No upward auto-scroll when components are dragged Needs review

Addressing #4

Why does this need back-end help? AFAICT this is a 100% client-side challenge?

During my investigation, I observed that the values appear to be rendered through the backend. It closely resembles an AJAX call, as the entire srcdoc of the iframe is being replaced when the value is updated. This led me to believe that backend support might be necessary to understand how the values within the srcdoc are being updated. I would like to determine whether this process is handled entirely within the React frontend or if backend logic is involved.

@jessebaker I did some work around with to check how it works with the current requirements. But with the limitation of , it requires an area to trigger the context menu. On adding the area, it blocks the other MouseEvents ( grab and click ) functionality of the component.
I tried with other ways like onOpenChange or to pass the reference of the actual component but still the blocker persists. To keep the all the MouseEvents on a single components this can be handle with custom code as done earlier in !MR 36 .
Was the added on purpose to add some required feature. Can we handle it with the menu?. Need your thoughts here. thanks

@Wim This ticket is dependent on MR !93 as it uses the ContextMenu, which handles right-click functionality. Therefore, this requires the changes introduced in MR !93. This also needs some work around with ContextMenu implemented.

Production build 0.71.5 2024