I tested this issue using Drupal 10.4 with UI Patterns 2.0 installed via:
composer require 'drupal/ui_patterns:^2.0'
Steps I followed:
Installed UI Patterns and enabled necessary submodules.
Created a View and added UI Patterns as a row format.
Successfully added and removed fields from the View.
Checked Layout Builder integration, and I was able to add and remove fields from UI Patterns slots.
Cleared cache using drush cache:rebuild, and everything worked fine.
I couldn't reproduce the issue. UI Patterns fields are appearing correctly in Views and Layout Builder.
Can you check if you're using the latest version and clear caches (drush cr) to see if the issue persists?
I tried to reproduce this issue on Drupal 10.4 with Styled Google Map 8.x-2.6.
Installed via composer require drupal/styled_google_map:^2.6
Created a block with a Geofield (latitude/longitude)
Configured Google Maps API key under Admin > Configuration > Styled Google Map
Map displayed correctly without errors
No error was found in logs, and the configuration page loaded correctly.
Can you share more details like:
The Drupal version you are using
Exact steps to reproduce the issue
The error message from logs (if any)
okey ,Thanks for the reply
I have tested the fix in Drupal 11.1.3 and confirmed that everything works as expected. @rcodina, could you please check and add my contribution under βReviewed & tested byβ?
Thank you!
Tested & Works as Expected
I have tested commit b58bf7ee2519999f42d01fc16c6b978573b6143b from the branch faqeh-2.0.0-beta3-patch-c221.
The success message now displays correctly after creating a subgroup.The redirect works fine without any issues.
I have tested the changes from the issue fork 3496973-fix-issues-reported by cloning the repository and updating the toolbar_menu_clean module in my Drupal setup.
After running the PHPCS command:
phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,info,txt,md,yml toolbar_menu_clean/
No PHPCS errors or warnings were found.
The issue appears to be resolved, and the code follows Drupal coding standards.
Status: Works as expected.
Tested the fix in Drupal 11.1.3
The core_version_requirement update works correctly.
Composer allows installation and upgrades beyond Drupal 11.
No issues found.
Ready to be merged.
haritha c β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
haritha c β changed the visibility of the branch 3508992-clear-button-does to active.
haritha c β changed the visibility of the branch 3508992-clear-button-does to active.
haritha c β changed the visibility of the branch 3508992-clear-button-does to hidden.