Alternatively we could update LicenseExpire.php to activate the license before expiring it ...
I hope what I did here makes sense.
adinancenci → created an issue.
adinancenci → created an issue.
adinancenci → created an issue.
If a corresponding paragraph does not exist in the targeted translation, the strings submitted in the tmgmt form will be lost upon completion.
I modified the patch #39 by @birk to create a paragraph.
I hope what I made here makes sense.
adinancenci → created an issue.
Re-roll of patch #14 for 1.0.2
Better yet
This fixed the issue for me:
adinancenci → created an issue.
Patch 46 adapted for Drupal 10.2.4.
adinancenci → created an issue.
Re-roll of patch 4 against 2.0.0@alpha2
Hello again, I made some slight modifications to the previous patch to take the base theme in consideration as well:
Patch 11 did not worked for me.
You see, I am using adminimal which is based on seven.
Maybe the patch could be modified to be used on themes based on seven.
Thank you @rang501.
But id did not solved my problem, you see I am using adminimal which is based on seven, so the patch from 3383658 did not worked for me.
Maybe it could be modified to be used on themes based off of seven.
Here is the changes I added to make it work.
adinancenci → created an issue. See original summary → .
adinancenci → created an issue.
adinancenci → created an issue.
111 did not worked on 1.0-rc15 so I made some slight alterations for anyone interested.
thunder_media/entity_browser_view no longer exists on thunder 7
Would like how @Matthijs implemented that `getSearchApiStatus()->isIndexing()`.
But it is not just the exposed filters that trigger the issue,
`flag_views_query_substitutions()` and presumably other contributed modules also trigger it.
The work around I came up with involve disabling automatic indexing and hooks:
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Index;
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function my_module_node_insert(EntityInterface $node) {
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
function my_module_node_update(EntityInterface $node) {
function __my_module_index_node(EntityInterface $node) {
if ($node->bundle() == 'targted_bundle') {
$index = Index::load('targted_index');
if ($index) {
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
$item_id = 'entity:node/' . $node->id() . ':' . $language;
$items = [$item_id => $node->getTypedData()];
adinancenci → created an issue.
A small modification to patch #10 to make AmpCssCollectionRenderer compatible with CssCollectionRenderer
I am using a view with bulk operations, an exposed filter and ajax enabled.
When updating the filter, the form will come with /views/ajax as the action, because ViewsForm::buildForm() uses Url::fromRoute('').
Hello @zlatev.
Again this is an issue with the field collection module.
I managed to resolve the issue with the attached patch, please let me know if you found a better solution.
Kind regards,
It is a problem with field collections indeed. For me it seems that the error occurs when the entity reference field is set to the preview edit mode in the form display settings. Otherwise it seems to behave normally.
Damn... can someone please rename the patch above to reflect the comment ?
So, patch #5 have fixed some occurrences in one of our sites but in other forms it had the exact opposite effect, causing the bug to occur where once it was working just fine.
I tweaked patch #5, it worked for us. ( tested with 1.0.0-beta4 ).