Two approaches can be followed here:
- Implement a fix to ensure the name field is populated and implement user entity autocreate
- hide option "Create referenced entities if they don't already exist" for user entity
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3473029- to hidden.
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3473029-wrong-maxlength-on to hidden.
In authoring information tab (in node add, edit), 'Authored by' has maxlength 1024. Only in translation form, Authored by inside translation tab has maxlength 60. In the same translation form, Authored by field inside 'Authoring information' tab has maxlength 1024 and this causes issue.
Instead of removing maxlength, I would recommend changing maxlength of 'Authored By' inside translation tab to 1024 and make it same as ' Authored by' field inside 'Authoring information' tab
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Current implementation ensures that HTML tags that are already supported by CKEditor 5 plugins are not redundantly added to the Source Editing. In core/modules/ckeditor5/src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/SourceEditingRedundantTagsConstraintValidator.php, The code for this implementation is added and it ensures that tags already enabled by plugins are not added again and raises an error.
I believe rephrasing the helptext would be better in this case. We can rephrase it to :
"A list of HTML tags that can be used while editing source. Remove or do not add tags that are already supported by enabled plugins. For example, if "Bold" is enabled, do not add the tag. It may be necessary to add
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
A helptext "This widget uses radio buttons if the "Allowed number of values" is set to 1. If the number of allowed values is more than 1 or unlimited, checkboxes will be used." will be displayed in manage form display when Checkboxes/Radio buttons is selected as widget.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I followed development guide and then created a page as per design. Few issues/observations I noticed:
- In the left side bar, when I right click on the components added, a list of options such as Edit , Duplicate, Move and Delete appears. But on moving the mouse, the options disappear and I was unable to select an option using mouse click. However, I can use the options using navigation keys.
- It took me more than one attempt to drag and place a component in page. Sometimes I drag the component to the place I need it to be displayed, but on releasing mouse, it will not be placed
- The preview is not clear and this makes it hard to identify which components should be added as per design.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
kristen pol → credited annmarysruthy → .
Raised MR for replacing the components module namespaces with the SDC namespaces. Kindly review MR !38
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → created an issue.
Raised MR !34 for adding required props to component.yml files. Kindly review
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3469522- to active.
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3469522- to hidden.
@kristenpol Yesterday I raised MR for the component.yml files in atoms, molecules folders of base theme. Today I took latest pull and added examples for remaining component.yml files of base theme and subtheme. Hope you are clear.
@kristenpol added examples for properties in all component.yml files of theme and subtheme. Kindly review
Added a commit for adding drupal in tag.twig. This would fix issue 3 listed in comment #3. Kindly review
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3469523-add-examples-for to active.
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3469523-add-examples-for to hidden.
annmarysruthy → created an issue.
kristen pol → credited annmarysruthy → .
@ressa Sorry I gave the wrong link. correct issue: 🐛 Date picker only works with US date and time formats Active
Unable to review: Tried reviewing the changes in documentation → . Currently unable to setup the local due to InvalidComponentException.
Error :
Drupal\Core\Render\Component\Exception\InvalidComponentException: [] Array value found, but an object is required/n[] Array value found, but an object is required in Drupal\Core\Theme\Component\ComponentValidator->validateDefinition() (line 121 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/Component/ComponentValidator.php).
Executed the script using command:
python3 twig-sdc-yaml-generator/ starshot_demo/components/02-molecules/starshot-card
- New Files starshot-card.component.yml, is generated inside folder starshot_demo/components/02-molecules/starshot-card
Output Generated
name: Starshot card
status: experimental
group: Molecules
type: object
- summary
- link
- image
type: string
title: Theme
description: 'Theme: light, dark.'
default: light
- light
- dark
type: string
title: Display
description: 'Card display: vertical, horizontal, centered, overlay.'
default: vertical
- vertical
- horizontal
- centered
- overlay
type: string
title: Title
description: Card title.
type: string
title: Summary
description: Card summary.
type: object
title: Link
description: 'Link object:'
properties: {}
type: string
title: Background
description: URL for the background image.
default: none
type: array
title: Tags
description: 'Tags array:'
type: object
type: string
title: Type
description: 'Type: primary, secondary, tertiary'
default: primary
- primary
- secondary
- tertiary
type: string
title: Content
description: Content.
type: string
title: Icon
description: Icon name.
type: string
title: Icon placement
description: 'Icon position: before, after.'
default: before
- before
- after
type: string
title: Url
description: Optional URL to convert to a link.
type: boolean
title: Open in a new window. Only if url is provided.
type: boolean
title: Link is external.
type: object
title: Image
description: 'Image object:'
properties: {}
type: string
title: Attributes
description: Additional attributes.
type: string
title: Modifier class
description: Additional classes.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I guess this issue can be fixed under 📌 Use ISO 8601 format in Authored on field date picker Active .
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
No, This is the first project I have created.
annmarysruthy → created an issue.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Kindly review the above MR
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Checked adding enable all/disable all functionality in drupal core. This has several edge cases like custom regions, group fields etc.
therefore Created a contrib module for the same functionality. Contrib module link for reference: → . Kindly check this out.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@rkoller why do we need N/A in the set default value even when field is not required. When field is not required and and on clicking set default value , we can see option N/A . If I select N/A as default value and on saving, no default value gets saved. On editing the form again, set default value is left unchecked. The issue you mentioned occurs irrespective of whether the field is required or not
Can we remove the N/A option from set default value for both required and not required fields and keep N/A in form display only when field is not required. That is if there is a boolean field 'field1' which is not required, on adding article content type field1 will have N/A option but on editing field field1, the set default value will not have N/A. if field1 is required, then both places wont be having N/A.
Proposed Solution:
Remove N/A from the options in set default value irrespective of whether the field is required or not.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → changed the visibility of the branch 3462868-replacehttp-1 to hidden.
Applied patch #2, Patch applied correctly and was able to create new field states and edit existing ones
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Created MR !3 to fix the compatibility issues reported by upgrade status. Please review.
Checked the module's D10 compatibilty with upgrade status. attaching the report here.
annmarysruthy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Reviewed patch #2. patch applied cleanly and issues are fixed.
Reviewed patch #2. patch applied cleanly and module is drupal 10 compatible
Reviewed the patch #2. it failed to apply as core is already removed in → version 2.1.4.
Reviewed MR!4. Issues are fixed.