Account created on 24 June 2020, about 4 years ago
  • Software Developer at ImageX 

Merge Requests

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_KASH_ could you please attach a screenshot of your field with this widget? I changed the widget from chosen to Autocomplete (Tag style) and it's working as expected here.

This issue happens when the Drupal field wrapper has a select and an input field. That's the typical scenario when using the "chosen" library, 'cos it will have the select default field plus the "chosen" html inputs. The DomClient._getInputType is getting lost 'cos it will find first a select and after an input, which will make the function return 'undefined' causing the error mentioned above. I created a 'else if' condition to avoid this issue.

I have tested the last changes and I can confirm it's working.
I'm also adding a patch for the 10.1.6 core version.

Production build 0.69.0 2024