Account created on 1 April 2020, almost 5 years ago

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I know this is very old post, but I ended up to here from google and current drupal has this features out of the box if you have enabled Business Rules module.

use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\StatusMessages;

function yourtheme_preprocess_block__system_messages_block(&$variables)
  $variables['content'] = StatusMessages::renderMessages();

My current fix is like this, but this will only fix from using core into radix, it didn't go through my custom template.

Hiding #63 which may be not related to this issue,
Tried #61 and it works.

Just wanted to inform that when you suddenly got this error on May 2024.
It was caused by this

jsdelivr SSL Expired, should be changed into other cdn.
the config should be located in /admin/config/user-interface/clientside-validation-jquery-settings

I got this one instead

Class name must be a valid object or a string in Drupal\custom_formatters\Entity\Formatter->getDependentEntities() (line 112 of modules/contrib/custom_formatters/src/Entity/Formatter.php).

Fixed by deleting the ConfigManagerInterface:: in line 112

Hi guys,

This patch causes an error of minus counter because line break counts as 2 characters but we can still type inside the textarea until it has the specified amount of characters as is the line break counts as 1 character.

For example I insert 10 line break, and type as many characters as I want, and after it hit , it then prevent me from typing.

-10 character(s) remaining

I suggest to change stopInputAtMaximum into true,

          stopInputAtMaximum: true,

Don't use #30, it has a warning of undefined variable $ip2CountryLookupService,
Use #29 instead.

I got many deprecation error of: Creation of dynamic property in JSNode::__set() when opening a webform admin page.
Not sure if anyone also see this.

PHP 8.2, Drupal 10.2.1

Currently downgrading to PHP 8.1 seems to fixed the issue.

Here is the patch without any additional styling for v1.16.
Only fix the title issue for not vertical aligned.

For anyone struggling,
I know this is not the best practice but you can also do this.

    "require": {
        "drupal/sfweb2lead_webform": "dev-3289580-automated-drupal-10",
    "repositories": {
        "sfweb2lead_webform": {
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

drush eval "\Drupal\Core\Database\Database::getConnection()->schema()->addPrimaryKey('restrict_ip_whitelisted_ip_addresses', ['ip_address']);"
drush eval "\Drupal\Core\Database\Database::getConnection()->schema()->addPrimaryKey('restrict_ip_paths', ['path']);"

do these if you don't want to reinstall it

I have the same issue, but it's more of a stupid mistake.

The composer.json didn't update the modules/contrib because it lacks "composer/installers": "^1.0",
So I just need to require that, then do composer update to update the modules/contrib to latest, and the problem solved.

Here is the #19 approach via claro in case someone else need it,
I'm not sure where to put it, so I just pick one of the css and apply patch on it.

The bug still occured on Drupal 9.5.2 with v2.0.1,
But after downgrading to v1.9 and apply #8, the problem solved.

Production build 0.71.5 2024