I know this is very old post, but I ended up to here from google and current drupal has this features out of the box if you have enabled Business Rules module.
https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/business-rules/advanced-usage/depe... →
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\StatusMessages;
function yourtheme_preprocess_block__system_messages_block(&$variables)
$variables['content'] = StatusMessages::renderMessages();
My current fix is like this, but this will only fix from using core into radix, it didn't go through my custom template.
Hiding #63 which may be not related to this issue,
Tried #61 and it works.
In case anyone need a reroll for 10.2.x
Just wanted to inform that when you suddenly got this error on May 2024.
It was caused by this https://community.cloudflare.com/t/jsdelivr-expired-certificate-may-2024...
jsdelivr SSL Expired, should be changed into other cdn.
the config should be located in /admin/config/user-interface/clientside-validation-jquery-settings
I got this one instead
Class name must be a valid object or a string in Drupal\custom_formatters\Entity\Formatter->getDependentEntities() (line 112 of modules/contrib/custom_formatters/src/Entity/Formatter.php).
Fixed by deleting the ConfigManagerInterface:: in line 112
Just wanted to upload the patch of merge request in #3
Hi guys,
This patch causes an error of minus counter because line break counts as 2 characters but we can still type inside the textarea until it has the specified amount of characters as is the line break counts as 1 character.
For example I insert 10 line break, and type as many characters as I want, and after it hit , it then prevent me from typing.
-10 character(s) remaining
I suggest to change stopInputAtMaximum into true,
stopInputAtMaximum: true,
Don't use #30, it has a warning of undefined variable $ip2CountryLookupService,
Use #29 instead.
I got many deprecation error of: Creation of dynamic property in jsminplus.inc JSNode::__set() when opening a webform admin page.
Not sure if anyone also see this.
PHP 8.2, Drupal 10.2.1
Currently downgrading to PHP 8.1 seems to fixed the issue.
andikanio → created an issue.
Here is the patch without any additional styling for v1.16.
Only fix the title issue for not vertical aligned.
For anyone struggling,
I know this is not the best practice but you can also do this.
"require": {
"drupal/sfweb2lead_webform": "dev-3289580-automated-drupal-10",
"repositories": {
"sfweb2lead_webform": {
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/sfweb2lead_webform-3289580.git"
drush eval "\Drupal\Core\Database\Database::getConnection()->schema()->addPrimaryKey('restrict_ip_whitelisted_ip_addresses', ['ip_address']);"
drush eval "\Drupal\Core\Database\Database::getConnection()->schema()->addPrimaryKey('restrict_ip_paths', ['path']);"
do these if you don't want to reinstall it
This is the patch based on #26 which works for my case.
I have the same issue, but it's more of a stupid mistake.
The composer.json didn't update the modules/contrib because it lacks "composer/installers": "^1.0",
So I just need to require that, then do composer update to update the modules/contrib to latest, and the problem solved.
rename the patch.
Sorry, wrong modules.
andikanio → created an issue.
Here is the #19 approach via claro in case someone else need it,
I'm not sure where to put it, so I just pick one of the css and apply patch on it.
The bug still occured on Drupal 9.5.2 with v2.0.1,
But after downgrading to v1.9 and apply #8, the problem solved.