Account created on 24 September 2019, about 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada CChiste

Wraps the offending call in try/catch, displays generic error message and logs exception to watchdog.

🇨🇦Canada CChiste

+1 confirmed the patch in #3 has resolved the issue for our site on D10.1 with CKEditor4

🇨🇦Canada CChiste

Any plans to release this? It's been RTBC for a year and is blocking our upgrade to D10.

🇨🇦Canada CChiste

This is covered in #3254844 📌 Clean-up dependencies and info.yml for Drupal 10 Fixed
Marking as closed

🇨🇦Canada CChiste

Still receiving emails that the EOL date is Mar 31, 2023, despite the service already being offline.

Production build 0.71.5 2024