🇦🇺Australia @griffynh

Account created on 15 May 2019, about 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

7️⃣ @Griffyn Heels ” It’s been pretty quiet in BS recently, what should we do? I’ve been more focused on #experience-builder these past few weeks.”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

6️⃣  PMNMI issues that we can close this fortnight

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

5️⃣ Help me - Is there anything you could use a :hand:

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

4️⃣ Update on the one :o:

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

3️⃣ Core bug statistics - current state of open bugs

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

2️⃣.4️⃣ Approve last month’s minutes

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

2️⃣.3️⃣ Blockers - what’s getting in the way of your issues / goals

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

2️⃣.2️⃣ Thanks - a space for callouts to other contributors who’ve helped you

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

2️⃣.1️⃣ Wins - what wins have you had since the last meeting? Share your successes!

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

1️⃣ Do you have suggested topics you are looking to discuss? Post in this thread and we’ll open threads for them as appropriate.

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

0️⃣.5️⃣ Who’s planning to attend DrupalCon Singapore? Are you submitting a talk?

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

1️⃣1️⃣ @larowlan “cypress vs vitest for tests”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

1️⃣0️⃣ @DanielVeza “Prettier configuration ( 📌 Update eslint prettier configuration Active )”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

9️⃣ @thejimbirch “Any discussions/efforts into bubbling up data from components for use in schema.org vocabularies or meta tags?  That is something we’ve never easily been able with Panels, LB, or Paragraphs.”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

8️⃣ @cellardoor “Are there any discussions happening currently around the UX/interface of XB? It seems like a lot of great efforts are going on in the data layer and back end mechanics already but I’m not sure I’ve seen the UX / Interface discussions.”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

7️⃣ @larowlan “Tokens and typed data”

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

6️⃣ Wins - what wins have you had since the last meeting? Share your successes!

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

5️⃣ I’m not sure where to start, but want to contribute to Experience Builder.

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

4️⃣ Subtopic 3: Data model/persistence layer

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

3️⃣ Subtopic 2: Page builder frontend

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

2️⃣ Subtopic 1: Theme builder (edited) 

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

1️⃣ Do you have suggested topics you are looking to discuss? Post in this thread, and we’ll open threads for them as appropriate.

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

4️⃣ Subtopic 3: Data model/persistence layer

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

1️⃣ Do you have suggested topics you are looking to discuss? Post in this thread, and we’ll open threads for them as appropriate.

🇦🇺Australia griffynh Sydney

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