As we haven't had an update for six months—I'm going to close this issue.
Please feel free to reopen if there is any new information.
Hola, this came up again in the #bugsmash channel as the Views daily triage target.
As we've had no update in over two and a half years, if there's no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
kristen pol → credited griffynh → .
As we haven't had an update for eight years—I'm going to close this issue.
Please feel free to reopen if there is any new information.
Hola, this issue came up in the #bugsmash channel as the Views daily triage target.
As we've had no update in over a year, if there's no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
As we haven't had an update since April '24—and before that, nothing for nine years—I'm going to close this issue.
Please feel free to reopen if there is any new information.
Hola, this came up again in the #bugsmash channel as the Views daily triage target.
As we've had no update in over a year, if there's no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
Hola, this came up in the #bugsmash channel as the PMNMI daily triage target.
Since we haven't had an update in eight months, if there is no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
Hola, this came up in the #bugsmash channel as the PMNMI daily triage target.
Since we haven't had an update in nine months, if there is no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
Hola, this came up in the #bugsmash channel as the PMNMI daily triage target.
As there has been no update in over three months, I will close this issue.
Please reopen if anyone has any more information.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
Hola, this came up again in the #bugsmash channel as the PMNMI daily triage target.
Since we haven't had an update in nearly nine months, if there is no update in the next three months, this issue may be closed.
Hola, this came up again in the #bugsmash channel as the Views daily triage target.
As we've had no update in nearly 2 years, if there's no update in 3 the next 3 months this issue may be closed.
Hi team, this ticket came up as the #bugsmash daily triage thread.
I'm just flagging that if we don't get an update on this within the next three months, it may be closed.
Hi team, this ticket came up as the #bugsmash daily triage thread.
I'm just flagging that if we don't get an update on this within the next three months, it may be closed.
Closing, no update for > 3 months.
Please reopen this if it is relevant in the future.
fubarhouse → credited griffynh → .
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue. See original summary → .
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue. See original summary → .
griffynh → created an issue. See original summary → .
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue. See original summary → .
kristen pol → credited griffynh → .
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.
griffynh → created an issue.