Account created on 2 October 2018, over 5 years ago

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🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

I also get a similar error:

"Drupal\Core\Field\FieldException: Attempted to create an instance of field with name field_contest_worker on entity type node when the field storage does not exist. in Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig->getFieldStorageDefinition()."

Previously, I deleted the type of material that had the "field_contest_worker" field, now when deleting any field, such an error occurs. I tried to create the content type that I deleted again along with this field. Then I tried to delete it again, to no avail.

Drupal 9.5.11
php 8.1.17

I also use the field group 8.x-3.4 module in my work

🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

Thanks for the feedback, now there is no way to reproduce this error on a working project, I will wait for 2.0.0-rc2 and try to use it in my work

🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

Thanks for the feedback. The first thing I did was I wanted to redefine the template to those in the module folder, but this element is not rendered separately there. It looks a bit complicated for a beginner. In my case, the changes are reduced to prescribing the "display: none;" property to the element in CSS. I created a css file according to the documentation with the name "gin-custom.css", registered everything necessary there, but I don't see any changes. It's not clear from the documentation - does this file have to connect itself or do I need to add it as a third-party css library in the theme info file? In one of the answers you write that you need to add a file as libraries-extend, could you show an example of how to do this? It would also be an ideal addition to the documentation. A similar problem is described here, but here a person wants to add a file to his topic, it is not clear whether he succeeded or not:

🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

Yes @gnuget, it will give you an empty value. I have just encountered this problem and have been looking for a solution for a long time. The method above works

🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

Work for me! D 7.97, PHP 7.4, views 3.29

🇷🇺Russia mr.pomelov

Confirm, D9.5.9 php 8.1.17

"PHP Fatal error: ob_get_clean(): Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in /var/www/ on line 399"

I get this error on the page created by the views module. I display teasers of materials on the page, in the template of which I actively use the capabilities of the Twig Tweak module. In my case, the problem was in this module. In the module file TwigTweakExtension.php there really is an ob_end_clean();

To solve the problem:

  1. I applied a patch:
  2. Also increased the memory_limit value in php.ini from 128 to 1024
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