Account created on 9 May 2018, almost 7 years ago

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🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

diaodiallo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Ohh you are right I was focussed on the topic call, opening it again.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hi @mdruilhe thanks for your codes I am going to push it.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hi @mdruilhe this was fixed 2 days earlier and released with the version 1.1.0. I think you found it in a previous version.
I am going to close the issue, feel free to open it if you find it again.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

This is fixed in this duplicate issue Invalid default frequency settings 🐛 Invalid default frequency settings Active

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hi @mdruilhe thanks for the work on this issue.

I did a small update and tested the code, I wanted to make sure we still keep track the old config structure to make sure people do not loose data till we hook_update it.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Adding a patch however this will be applied to a new 2.0 version of the module since this is a very big difference and some people would like to stay with the old concept.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you mdruilhe for this work, I will review it soon.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you and sorry for the delay, I will check this.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you @amit.rawat777 I will check this.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hello, I am sharing a patch I refactored for my colleague @yospyn.

As mentioned @yospyn we have synonyms in a term field which need to be called 'field_synonym' (Just add this field and your synonyms to use the patch).

Thanks to @JakeAPoe for the patch I used it for this version 3 patch.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

I had this issue when updating 10.2.6 to 10.3.1 and fixed by just cleaning cache. Thanks to @Kasey_MK for the idea.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Need to test the four new tokens within this patch.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you @bjsomers, this is actually a duplication of another issue 🐛 Call to a member function get() on null in getForumName() Needs work

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hi @vistree sorry for the delay.

After closely checking this issue I found this is from the drilldown plugin itself, I think the main thing is because the main label is a clickable text so the formatting is different with the drilldown label.

See attached screenshot from the plugin demo.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you @smustgrave, maybe it could be nice to see this jQuery_ui_slider stuff before pushing this module.

I am not sure, are we going to reference this new module NoUiSlider Better Exposed Filters in this documentation?

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thanks @martin and @Harpreet_singh_saluja for your nice work.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

I actually think the work around this should focus on the deletion process.
#1 Someone remove a post.
#2 A hook (something like hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete()) check if this node id has a forum_notification_frequency (this nid means the entity_id of the frequency)
#3 If That forum_notification_frequency exists it removes it.

Here is the Entity definition itself

Here is how to get notification by id

So should implement the same thing to get notification by subscribed entity id (entity_id) in the ForumNotificationsSubscriptionService class.

After finding it we should delete it so we will no longer fall on it when looping frequencies in the user_form.

Please let me know if someone want to work on this or if there is any need for clarification.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Hi Chetan, thanks for working on this.
After quick review of this I think we need not just to return a default name but also do more i.e about the frequency around that post.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

I reviewed the patch group-notify-beta1-3436167.patch. I think can go to RTBC.

🇸🇳Senegal diaodiallo

Thank you @phjou for your patches, I will check it and let you know.

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