🇲🇦 Morocco
Account created on 20 February 2018, over 6 years ago
  • Drupal developer at VOID 

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🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

@Mav_fly Thank you for testing and confirming that the patch resolved your issue!
The patch has been committed and the related merge request has been successfully merged, a new release, version 1.0.5, has been created including this fix.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

The problem here is that Readonly Html field type settings form build method ReadonlyHtmlFieldItem::fieldSettingsForm returns the complete form and this behavior has been changed recently in core parent method that returns the subform instead, so core is expecting a subform from ReadonlyHtmlFieldItem::fieldSettingsForm method, to fix this, first we retrieve the subform from the parent and then we use the retrieved subform to build Readonly Html field type settings form.
Please try out the attached patch and confirm if it resolves the issue. Thanks!

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

@Mav_fly thank you for details, now I can reproduce it.
Possible related issues: Using $form_state->getValue() in BlockBase's blockForm throws "subform and parent form must contain the #parents property" exception

Issue status has been changed to Needs work.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

We need more details to reproduce like the readonly HTML field has been added to which entity type form?

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Update example of custom module core version requirements (add ^10)

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Module Ux has been improved since 1.0.6 version.
composer require 'drupal/taxonomy_bulk_actions:^1.0'

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

For Drupal 10 compatibility please update to at least Link obfuscator 1.1.1 version .

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

While waiting for the publication of next release, I've created a patch for the related changes.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Attached patch makes the module compatible for both Drupal 9 and Drupal 10, and this is important to make upgrade process easier via Upgrade status for existing Drupal 9 websites.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

@mlcn Actually it's not the same concept as admin/content page, content listing is a view with display table while the taxonomy terms listing is designed as a form (form ID is taxonomy_overview_terms) with table form element, so it's not easy to have the same UI here, but you're right we need to improve UX for taxonomy bulk action to make it as similar as possible to admin/content listing.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Thanks @3CWebDev!
Patch has been successfully committed, please update to the latest version of Readonly Html Field module.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Thanks guys!
Patch has been committed, please update to the latest version of Readonly Html Field module.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

I've created a temporarily alternative package to make module upgrade more easier and here are the steps to follow:

1 - Remove existing drupal/captcha package: composer remove drupal/captcha

2 - Require bkhouy/captcha package: composer require bkhouy/captcha:^2.0

3 - Continue upgrading the rest of your project...

4 - Once you finish the upgrade and your project is running on Drupal 10 version on production, then you need to rollback to drupal/captcha module by following those steps:

=> Remove bkhouy/captcha package: composer remove bkhouy/captcha
=> Require drupal/captcha package: composer require drupal/captcha:^2.0

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

It would be better if we could commit the #7 patch as a prerelease for example 2.0-alpha, because the composer dependency error is triggered before the composer patches step was invoked.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Thanks @flyke for this issue report and proposed solutions.
Fix has been deployed, for anyone facing the same issue please update to the latest module version >= 1.0.5
composer require 'drupal/taxonomy_bulk_actions:^1.0'

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

@nitin_lama's PR has been merged.
Fix has been deployed under Read Only Html Field 1.0.3 version

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Patch has been committed
For Drupal 10.x compatibility please update to Readonly Html Field 1.0.2 version .

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Anyone facing this issue should update to Readonly Html Field 1.0.2 version and then execute drush updb to clean up erroneous data from "Readonly html field" fields.

🇲🇦Morocco b.khouy 🇲🇦 Morocco

Thank you guys, @wombatbuddy patch's has been committed
Anyone facing this issue should update to Readonly Html Field 1.0.2 version and then execute drush updb to clean up erroneous data from "Read-only html field" fields.

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