Possibly unrelated. But your debugging info helped me solve my problem on a Drupal10 site.
I ran into a similar issue that I was getting this error when my custom module sent an email, but the test and system emails were fine. Turns out my custom code was sending "email1@domain.com,email2@domain.com,". The ending comma was the issue that needed resolving for the error to stop. The third "blank" email was throwing the error.
johnpicozzi β credited eahonet β .
That is helpful @dineshkumarbollu
Here's how I got it to install on D10 for others with the same issue:
1. first install lienent to allow a non-d10 compatible module to be included. Do this by composer require mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient
and then composer config --merge --json extra.drupal-lenient.allowed-list '["drupal/creditfield"]'
2. next, I added the patch to composer from here:
Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes
3. then i run this composer command: composer require 'drupal/payment_authnet:^2.0' 'drupal/creditfield:^1.x-dev' -W
Now I have payment_authnet installed on D10. Still need to figure out how to configure this payment thing, but for now, composer is happy and i was able to drush enable the module.
eahonet β created an issue.
eahonet β created an issue.
I'm also seeing empty tabs showing with conditions for them and (all checkboxes for propagate checked). I even tried wrapping them in just a div to see if that would work.
Some screen grabs. Sorry, I know this isn't an exact 'how to reproduce'.
nicxvan β credited eahonet β .
eahonet β created an issue.
This was very helpful @levmyshkin
But note: if the ID exists on the current page, it will pull that rather than the ID'd section from the linked page. That's what made me think it didn't work. Once I added a different ID to the other page it worked as expected.
eahonet β created an issue.
johnpicozzi β credited eahonet β .
I've used lenient to help get past composer issues and to D10. I had to do it with this module. I added the patch in #3 (thank you @mauryarahul11). I then ran these composer commands to make it work with D10.
composer require mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient
composer config --merge --json extra.drupal-lenient.allowed-list '["drupal/views_attach_library"]'
I agree with @2dareis2do in #11. No reason to remove D8 support in the module. If a breaking change like that is done, a new branch should be made leaving the old intact. Or, what is likely easier, just add ||^10
to the module for now.
I would assume ^8.x-1.3 would keep ck4 and support d9 and d10 for upgrade. Removing d9 support would mean you should need a new branch.
If there is a version of this module that is ck5 compatible, it would be it's own branch going forward like 2.0.0 that requires d10 and ck5, but not d9 compatible.
This allows ck4 people to update and stay on ck4 if they have to. And ck5 people can learn about and leverage this tool.
thanks to those working on this! It would be helfpul to at least have a new dev release with d10 support from #3. But in the meantime, I think I'll have to use composer-drupal-lenient to move forward with that patch in composer.
Be really nice to get a release of this for D10. #6 has a valid point, but I have a D10 site using Adminimal theme as do others and a release with this simple edit is a big help. Composer install installs Seven for me when I install Adminimal_theme
To get this module working, I added the patch in composer
I then ran these three composer commands
composer require mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient
composer config --merge --json extra.drupal-lenient.allowed-list '["drupal/
composer require 'drupal/meta_position:^1.1'
Then I enabled and configured the module. Like I said... would have been easier and cleaner if this patch could be put in even just a dev branch.
Here's a super basic patch where I just made the core_version_requirement the same for the submodule as the main module. I don't use the submodule, but would like the warning in the upgrade_status module to go away.
This patch worked for me as well on PHP 8.1.12 and Drupal 10.0.11. Thank you!
I see that same issues as @back-2-95 in comment #7
Here's a patched meant to address those four items. Since 8.x-4.13 added the || ^10.0
I'm hoping this means the parent theme will work as I upgrade from d9 > d10.
Hoping @Mschudders can commit this change to at least the -dev branch so it can be included on a D10 site with composer easily. Please and thank you :)
I could not get #140 to patch on 4.0.0-alpha3 or 4.x-dev. But #138 did successfully patch and fix my issue with paragraphs. Both from @jeffschuler. :) Thank you for sharing and for all the other people contributing to this.
I can confirm I ran into the same issue upgrading from 1.15.0 => 3.0.1. Your tip to disable and re-enable did work for me as well. I reconfigured and tweaked CSS to get it to work.
Thank you @Ahmad Smhan for testing. I'm working to release a D10 compatible version for easy composer install for D10 sites.
Hello All. And thank you for all the code in this thread. I'm working on a D10 site and have thousands of news articles with multiple tags (taxonomies) and thousands of users with multiple roles that need to be imported.
I'm on the latest 8.x.1.x branch and can't get some of these patches to apply. So I made this patch based on #26.
Some of the changes in the patch were already part of 8.x-1.x and some were more formatting. I grabbed what I think was the required code and made this patch.
I did have to change up one functional piece
if (is_string($item_value) && (file_exists($item_value) || file_get_contents($item_value))) {
to be
if (is_string($item_value) && file_exists($item_value) && file_get_contents($item_value)) {
this got images working for me.
My logs have lots of warnings in them after importing csvs, but they are importing correctly. So I'm feeling goodish about it.
Here's the patch I'm using on my D10 site. Has a little more than the automated one, but not much. Be nice if we can get this merged in so I can use composer on this module like others.
I was tempted to import twice. Once with the taxonomy column and once without. But I did find that using 0 instead of nothing seemed to do the trick. I did find this unexpected behavior.
I couldn't use composer, so I did a git clone of the repo into my site's modules/contrib.
I used wget to get #6 patch and the patch from 3284891 issue that Ludo.R mentioned.
I couldn't get #6 patch from this issue to apply. But I went into the files and made the same modifications. Patch of that attached, though it's really just @Ludo.R's work (thank you!). Then I was able to 'git apply' the patch from issue 3284891.
Once that was all done and the module enabled, I was successfully able to delete all of a certain content node type.
Thank you guys. Looking forward to including this with the site's composer.json in the future.
Closing this task. No movement on it.
I'm not clear on the issue you're reporting.
I uploaded a CSV of users. I selected to send them an email by changing the dropdown on the CSV upload page.
Emails were then sent to the users uploaded that matched "Welcome (new user created by administrator)" found on the page /admin/config/people/accounts
You can see the two images I attached.
This functionality worked properly for me. Are you still experiencing an issue?
I like your logic and the patch. I've tested the code and worked nicely. I've merged it into the 2.0.x dev branch. That'll make it way to the next version.
Thank you mukesh88 for the additional items.
I'm ready to close this task as I've tested this on D10 with mukesh88's phpcs work.