Account created on 2 May 2017, about 7 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇭🇺Hungary attilatilman

Added 14th point which helps make the configs form more clean.

🇭🇺Hungary attilatilman

attilatilman changed the visibility of the branch 3446787-if-site-is to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary attilatilman

Added an extra bullet point in 📌 Various code quality improvements before releasing v1.1.0 stable Postponed and linked this issue in there.

🇭🇺Hungary attilatilman

Oops, accidentally removed one line of code which was not intentional. Updated patch uploaded.

🇭🇺Hungary attilatilman

I have came across this problem when I was working on one of my projects. I have tried on D10.1 and, but the current patch does not solve the problem. Once the $form['relations']['parent']['#multiple']; is set to FALSE, then the $form_state->getValue('parent'); going to return a string value on form submit. Once the form calls buildEntity() it will throw an error because it expects and array value and uses like this: array_values($form_state->getValue('parent'));. Since the return value is going to be a string it will fail. I have came up with a quick fix which will check if the return value is an array or not.

Production build 0.69.0 2024