🇱🇻Latvia @Phonoman

Account created on 6 February 2017, over 7 years ago
  • Backend Developer at Wunder 

Recent comments

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

Wow, I must've been totally blind or it was way too late when I last looked at the page, my bad!
I initially looked at the 10.3.x patch entry and since I saw a patch ready, just took it without taking a look at it. I would've noticed the note instantly if it was right there (or maybe like an asterisk next to the version "*10.3.x" and then reference the asterisk to the note you mentioned).
But, either way - it was a user error as I just totally missed that paragraph in-between the page somehow and if anyone else does the same, they'll now see this issue, so win-win? :)

Sorry for taking up your time and unintentionally roleplaying as a UX tester in a rush. 😅

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

Thanks for the reply and explanation!
In that case, I'd probably suggest adjusting the module description - by adding a comment that recipes are now baked in at least for the 10.3.x version - to have that instantly clear when one is upgrading the core and glancing over the module when the previous patch fails. :)

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

#5 resolves/unblocks the error on 2.4.0, thanks.

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

This is resolved with the ^3.1 versions - links no longer break if the href contains empty spaces around the email.

And if I remember the issue correctly (been a while), spamspan was crippling the email link/text for users instead of ignoring it.
Also, your example for the broken link is not broken, it works fine (which is why this was created). :)
Priority also should've been "Major" as it broke default link behaviour (without spamspan the links would work/look fine) and for users it looked bad.
Either way, version 3 is working OK now!

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

Your #40 is an exact copy of the one I uploaded in #39
Did you upload the wrong file? If not, I'm not sure what is the point of doing that.

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

Rerolled #37 patch for 1.9.0
Changed the ILIKE operator to LIKE so that the patch also applies to MySQL sites.

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

Seems like a year later this hasn't been released, so dropping a patch that's rerolled for 8.x-1.15 as I'm in need of this.

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

The patch looks good and makes sense to include it in the core, IMO.
Calling a function that can break the page on unchecked variables is much worse than just adding a normal safety check. Perhaps the missing values come from old installs/configurations and/or migrations when it wasn't necessary. Reinstalling + importing configs will still remove the initially installed empty array when one wants to keep the original settings.

You can also just manually add the missing value in update.settings.yml and import configs to resolve the issue as well, but better safe than sorry?

  emails: {  }
🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

#83 seems to have some linting errors, please adjust those so that the tests can pass :)

FILE: /var/www/html/core/modules/locale/src/StringContextInterface.php
9 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace should be on the same line as the
| | declaration
16 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 blank line before function; 0 found

🇱🇻Latvia Phonoman

This issue is clearly about altering the Paragraph Summary - aka, the closed "preview" of field values when editing some entity with paragraphs.
#2 is the UI description when checking the paragraph list, not related.
And altering this still seems like a big question mark - there seems to not be a straightforward way of doing this as you would, for example, with preprocessing variables.
There seems to be a preprocess summary method, which you can technically use to change the summary... However, it only contains the text elements and not the entity in question, so you cannot easily append it without fetching the entity from route, then loading/digging however deep you need with tons of if's.

 * Prepares variables for.
 * Default template: paragraphs-summary.html.twig
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - buttons: An array of buttons to display in the modal form.
function template_preprocess_paragraphs_summary(&$variables) {
  $variables['content'] = $variables['element']['#summary']['content'];
  $variables['behaviors'] = $variables['element']['#summary']['behaviors'];
  $variables['expanded'] = !empty($variables['element']['#expanded']);
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