Account created on 25 May 2015, about 9 years ago

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🇮🇳India lhuria94

We are also facing this issue and its a pain, however we plan to do custom revision purge solution.

🇮🇳India lhuria94

This happened with us too recently and got fixed upon clearing the Redis cache, the issue has been intermittent.
However, it stopped working completely for all users (even admin). Kept on throwing 403 access.

🇮🇳India lhuria94

Hi Team, Checking in if there was any core issue created.
The same issue is happening with us as well causing pages to crash where heavy use of IEF.

🇮🇳India lhuria94

Gotcha, Thanks for the input. Appreciate it.
We will try that, compare and contrast and hopefully put up here a optimised patch if it works all good.

🇮🇳India lhuria94

Ok we want to use it only specifically JSON:API Search API endpoints, so nothing custom over there.

And after applying the patch we saw a considerable improvement overall. Like earlier it used to to take 15s and it has gone to half.

🇮🇳India lhuria94

Hi Team, We are facing the same issue with only 5k videos. However, we need to use the module for 200k videos.

We have enabled API subscription with the event set as "video-change"

This type of event goes on and on with using drush bcsa command set on dedicated cron job resource.
> [notice] Processing "Brightcove API Client queue worker": 2 item(s) remaining out of 2.

Overall it takes about 15-20 hours to complete and that too with inconsistent issues.

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