Memory leak by trying to load ALL entities at once for a simple count

Created on 26 April 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 12 October 2023, over 1 year ago


countReferenceableEntities() is causing memory issue. I am not too sure why we would need this check. This code was introduced in rc15 as part of issue: 2875716 Widget settings to control removing & deleting existing references Fixed

File: src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/InlineEntityFormComplex.php:formElement() line 327

line 327: $have_multiple_existing_entities = $handler->countReferenceableEntities() > 1;

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create Taxonomy vocabulary and add 1000+ terms.
  2. Create a reference field on node referencing to the Taxonomy created in step 1
    1. Change field widget setting under Manage Form display to Inline entity form - Complex
    2. Check following options
      • Override labels
      • Collapsible
      • Allow users to add new [Field name]
      • Allow users to add existing [Field name]
  3. Create a role which
    • does have access to Create a node where IEF is used
    • doesn't have access to Create terms for the Taxonomy that was created in step 1 (this should only show a button that says Add existing [Field name] instead of showing 2 buttons Add new [Field name] and Add existing [Field name]
  4. Assign the role to a user and login with new user
  5. Try to load Node form page it will error out

After invitigation i was able to confirm that issue is with line 327, because it tries to count ALL 1000+ terms causing memory issue.

Proposed resolution

Implement alternative way for line 327. Maybe a direct Database query might work better in this case. Query would return subset count instead of counting ALL items.

🐛 Bug report

Closed: works as designed



Created by

🇺🇸United States Technorange

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @Technorange
  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed almost 2 years ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany

    Thanks for raising this issue.
    I looked into the source and, interesting:

    The DefaultSelection plugin uses a memory efficient count query, while the TermSelection plugin falls back to filtering entities in-memory, but only when no match operator is given. Strange and i can not see how this makes sense.

    Please file a core issue for this and crosslink it. The count is needed on IEF's side.


      public function countReferenceableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS') {
        $query = $this->buildEntityQuery($match, $match_operator);
        return $query


      public function countReferenceableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS') {
        if ($match) {
          return parent::countReferenceableEntities($match, $match_operator);
        $total = 0;
        $referenceable_entities = $this->getReferenceableEntities($match, $match_operator, 0);
        foreach ($referenceable_entities as $entities) {
          $total += count($entities);
        return $total;
  • 🇮🇳India lhuria94

    Hi Team, Checking in if there was any core issue created.
    The same issue is happening with us as well causing pages to crash where heavy use of IEF.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand jweowu

    Ditto here. I don't even believe my case constitutes "heavy use", but it's causing server errors when attempting to edit a certain node type, and I can confirm that the line of code referenced here is responsible.

    It's a pretty nasty bug, so if there's no core solution then I think IEF should try to work around this issue another way? I have no immediate insight into how, although I'm very curious to know whether there would be any serious problems with the following change:

    - $have_multiple_existing_entities = $handler->countReferenceableEntities() > 1;
    + $have_multiple_existing_entities = TRUE;

    (and when I say "serious problems", bear in mind that our baseline is already "100% reliable server error" with the current code.)

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand jweowu

    This patch implements the workaround suggested in #4. It is not a general fix, and may not be appropriate for all users; but if the current code is killing your server, it's going to be an improvement.

    In my case I have no entity reference fields which require a value, and so the entire purpose of the code which triggers the server errors is moot.

    For reference, the relevant logic is as follows, and it's all in service of that final $may_remove value.

            /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityReferenceSelection\SelectionInterface $handler */
            $handler = $this->selectionManager->getInstance($options);
            $have_multiple_existing_entities = $handler->countReferenceableEntities() > 1;
            // Determine if a reference may be removed.
            // Unless the user has permission to delete the entity, then they should
            // not be able to remove it if that will lead to its deletion.
            $may_remove_existing = $settings['removed_reference'] !== self::REMOVED_DELETE || $entity->access('delete');
            // Don't allow a user to remove the only entity if an entity is required
            // and the user cannot replace the entity if they remove it, because
            // this would put the form in an unrecoverable state.
            $can_replace_last_reference = $allow_new || ($allow_existing && $have_multiple_existing_entities);
            $reference_is_not_required = !$element['#required'] || $entities_count > 1 || $can_replace_last_reference;
            // Unsaved entities may always be removed.
            $may_remove = empty($entity_id) || ($may_remove_existing && $reference_is_not_required);

    In principle that could all be refactored so that the expensive thing only happens if necessary, after establishing all of the cheap tests. This should be a worthwhile improvement (at a slight cost of readability) -- it would mean some users would simply never encounter this issue at all (when they will do with the current code), which represents a performance improvement even in cases where that count query wasn't taking down the server.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand jweowu

    In principle that could all be refactored so that the expensive thing only happens if necessary, after establishing all of the cheap tests. This should be a worthwhile improvement (at a slight cost of readability) -- it would mean some users would simply never encounter this issue at all (when they will do with the current code), which represents a performance improvement even in cases where that count query wasn't taking down the server.

    And here's a patch (untested) which does that.

    The idea of this one is not to change the intended behaviour of the module, but defer that count query until absolutely necessary, meaning that it doesn't happen if it doesn't need to happen.

    If I haven't messed up, I think this could be committed to the current code base as a general performance improvement which would also bypass the major problem in some cases.

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