- 🇮🇳India lhuria94
This happened with us too recently and got fixed upon clearing the Redis cache, the issue has been intermittent.
However, it stopped working completely for all users (even admin). Kept on throwing 403 access.
Request url: /jsonapi
Use right name/password request the url,we can get the jsonapi list, then use postman generate curl code to request through terminal to eliminate postman's own cache problem.
If use wrong-username/wrong-password to request, And click the send more than 30 times.
Then go back to use the right username/password,We'll get the same 403 error, Use postman generate curl code to request through terminal to eliminate postman's own cache problem too.
Closed: works as designed
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
This happened with us too recently and got fixed upon clearing the Redis cache, the issue has been intermittent.
However, it stopped working completely for all users (even admin). Kept on throwing 403 access.