🇫🇷France @zenimagine

Account created on 22 January 2015, over 9 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Add tokens with geolocation fields to set default values in the geolocation filter criteria

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@jazzper Thanks, I don't use paragraph, prefer to be 100% ckeditor. I will look for another solution. thanks for these informations

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@jazzper Thank you for your help, I managed to do it on my web suite and it is much cleaner :



I have one last question, you presented your content with a summary, which points to parts of the page. I did a few similar things, but using the links in this ckeditor, entering an ID without putting a link. The problem is that the destination ID appears as a link with an empty href.

On your website it is very clean. How did you do this. I could add the IDs manually in the text of the page but it is very long.


🇫🇷France zenimagine

@jazzper very pretty your website with Olivero. How did you manage to present the summaries and filters in collapses ?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

This is precisely the problem, because the Views only counts visible elements. If I have 200 elements and I limit the display to 5, the Views displays 5 in the results. I want to display a number of 200

🇫🇷France zenimagine

how can I test? I have the same problem

🇫🇷France zenimagine

This script works but it needs improvement. Browsing on mobile and tablet is much better :


(function (Drupal, document, window) {
  // Ensures the navigation bar is fixed at the top on mobile devices, regardless of desktop navigation state.
  function fixedMobileNav() {
    const siteHeaderFixable = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="site-header"]');
    const fixNav = () => {
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
      } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fixNav);
    window.addEventListener('resize', fixNav);

  // Applies or removes a shadow from the header based on the scroll position, but only in mobile view.
  function shadowMobileNav() {
    const headerInner = document.getElementById("site-header__inner");
    const shadowNav = () => {
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
        if (document.body.scrollTop > 1 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1) {
        } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', shadowNav);
    window.addEventListener('resize', shadowNav);
    window.addEventListener("scroll", shadowNav);

  // Handles expanding the navigation menu on mobile and observing changes.
  function handleNavigationExpansion() {
    const navButton = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="mobile-nav-button"]');
    const expandNav = () => {
      const expanded = navButton.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "true";
      if (expanded && !Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
        document.querySelectorAll('[data-drupal-selector="primary-nav-menu-item-has-children"]').forEach(menuItem => {
          Drupal.olivero.toggleSubNav(menuItem, true);
    // Observer for changes in navigation button state.
    const observer = new MutationObserver(() => expandNav());
    observer.observe(navButton, { attributes: true });
    // Resize event to adjust navigation state.
    window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
      setTimeout(expandNav, 100);

  // Initialize all the enhanced navigation functionalities.

})(Drupal, document, window);


.site-header {
    z-index: 111 !important;
    border-block-end: 0px !important;

.is-fixed-mobile {
    position: sticky !important;
    top: 0;
    max-width: var(--max-bg-color);

.site-header__shadow-active {
    box-shadow: -36px 1px 36px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
🇫🇷France zenimagine

#3 Thanks I just applied the patch and it fixes the problem

🇫🇷France zenimagine

It's frustrating, it's impossible to automatically open the navigation bar menus on mobile. Can anyone review my script? THANKS

I have an Olivero subtheme with these files.


(function (Drupal, document, window) {
  // Ensures the navigation bar is fixed at the top on mobile devices, regardless of desktop navigation state.
  function fixedMobileNav() {
    function fixNav() {
      const siteHeaderFixable = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="site-header"]');
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
      } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fixNav);
    window.addEventListener('resize', fixNav);

  // Applies or removes a shadow from the header based on the scroll position, but only in mobile view.
  function shadowMobileNav() {
    function shadowNav() {
      const headerInner = document.getElementById("site-header__inner");
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
        if (document.body.scrollTop > 1 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1) {
        } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', shadowNav);
    window.addEventListener('resize', shadowNav);
    window.addEventListener("scroll", shadowNav);

  // This function is responsible for automatically expanding the navigation menu on mobile devices.
  function expandMobileNav() {
    function expandNav() {
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
        document.querySelectorAll('[data-drupal-selector="primary-nav-menu-item-has-children"]').forEach(menuItem => {
          Drupal.olivero.toggleSubNav(menuItem, true);
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', expandNav);
    window.addEventListener('resize', expandNav);

  // Initialize all the enhanced navigation functionalities.

})(Drupal, document, window);


.site-header {
    z-index: 111 !important;
    border-block-end: 0px !important;

.is-fixed-mobile {
    position: sticky !important;
    top: 0;
    max-width: var(--max-bg-color);

.site-header__shadow-active {
    box-shadow: -36px 1px 36px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
🇫🇷France zenimagine

Can you help me ? Here are the modifications made to my Olivero subtheme. You can test it works.

My problem is that when I resize the window, the menus collapse. You have to reload the page so that it automatically unfolds in mobile mode.

scripts.js :

(function (Drupal, window, document) {
  // Automatically expands the menu on mobile devices.
  function expandMobileNav() {
    if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
      document.querySelectorAll('[data-drupal-selector="primary-nav-menu-item-has-children"]').forEach(menuItem => {
        Drupal.olivero.toggleSubNav(menuItem, true);

  // Fixes the navigation bar on mobile regardless of `isDesktopNav`.
  function ensureMobileNavFixed() {
    const siteHeaderFixable = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="site-header"]');
    function adjustNavFixation() {
      if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
      } else {
    window.addEventListener('resize', adjustNavFixation);

  // Applies or removes the header shadow based on page scrolling, only in mobile view.
  function toggleHeaderShadow() {
    const headerInner = document.getElementById("site-header__inner");
    if (!Drupal.olivero.isDesktopNav()) {
      if (document.body.scrollTop > 1 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1) {
      } else {

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

  window.addEventListener("scroll", toggleHeaderShadow);
  window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
})(Drupal, window, document);

style.css :

.is-fixed-mobile {
    position: sticky;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 102;
    max-width: var(--max-bg-color);

.site-header__shadow-active {
    box-shadow: -36px 1px 36px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
🇫🇷France zenimagine

The CSS code above is not the solution, because the visitor cannot fold the menu manually and the "+" and "-" buttons are not consistent.

I made 2 screenshots with the code that changes when the menu and fold and unfold.

The CSS is not correct, so what code should I add to scripts.js to correctly unfold the menus on mobile ?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have a website with the default Olivero theme. I want when the navigation bar display switches to mobile mode, the menus are automatically expanded. Like in this screenshot :


style.css :

.site-header {
    z-index: 111;
    position: sticky;
    top: 0;
    border-bottom-width: 0px;

.site-header__shadow-active {
    box-shadow: -36px 1px 36px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%);

.primary-nav__menu--level-2 {
    visibility: visible !important;
    max-height: none !important;
    margin-top: 1.6875rem !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;

#header-nav {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

#header-nav .menu--main {
    order: 2;
    padding-bottom: 2.25rem;

#header-nav .region--secondary-menu {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 1.25rem;
    order: 1;

@media (min-width: 75rem) {
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .site-header {
    position: relative;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .site-header__shadow-active {
    box-shadow: none;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .primary-nav__menu--level-2 {
    visibility: hidden !important;
    max-height: 0 !important;
    margin-top: 0 !important;
    opacity: 0 !important;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .primary-nav__menu--level-2.is-active-menu-parent {
    visibility: visible !important;
    max-height: none !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .primary-nav__button-toggle {
    display: block;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) #header-nav {
    flex-direction: initial !important;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) #header-nav .region--secondary-menu {
    order: initial !important;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) #header-nav .menu--main {
    order: initial !important;
    padding-bottom: initial !important;
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .region--secondary-menu {
    margin-top: 2.25rem !important;
    margin-bottom: 2.25rem !important;

@media (min-width: 43.75rem) {
  .region--content-below {
    display: block;
  [dir="ltr"] .region--content-below > * {
    margin-right: 0rem;

I created a scripts.js file in my Olivero subtheme. I imagine I need to add some code, but no idea what to put.


(function ($, Drupal, window, document) {
  $(document).ready(function () {

    window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
      if (document.body.scrollTop > 1 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 1) {
      } else {

})(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document);

This code seems to work fine, but I don't know if it's a good practice. The Olivero theme is complicated to customize.

I'm missing an item, currently when the menu is expanded it shows the "+" button

I want it to display the "-" button which would be more logical.

The visitor must be able to unfold or collapse the menu when he clicks on the "+" and "-" button.

Can you help me finish this code? THANKS

Options in the theme configuration would be ideal. Like the Bootstrap theme for Drupal does.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

In a block the content linked to the ID of the current page works, the problem only appears on the page linked to the block. All content is displayed and the page ID where the block is placed is not supported. While in the previous version of Drupal Core it worked perfectly.

Does anyone have a patch to fix this?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Has anyone with programming skills tested the view import to reproduce the problem?

I can't do anything more on my part. I hope this will be corrected in the next update. THANKS

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Someone needs to do this, because I don't have the knowledge.


The bug appears from version 10.2.0-alpha1

There are no bugs with version 10.1.8

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@cilefen I don't know the code, I updated my question with as much information as possible. This is a very annoying bug.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have just tested on stable versions of Drupal and the bug appears from version 10.2.0

It works on version 10.1.8

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I already did this before posting this report. But you could check my view by doing the import, to be sure that it comes from a regression.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@cilefen Can anyone test on simplytest.me ? On my site this views worked and since the updates, all my views display "all" instead of the entity ID

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Thank you for your comments, I redid my logo on this website :


It's not simple and intuitive, but it improves the framing a little. However, the box on the home screen is square. Too bad because it was better in the round.

This is weird, because a few months ago, the PWA didn't have these problems.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have alerts regarding your last comment in Chrome

🇫🇷France zenimagine

yes I did the update just before sending my message, as well as the database and I cleared the cache, but that does not correct

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I followed your instructions and it doesn't work, the logo overflows

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I'm on version 2.x-dev and I have another website on version 2.0.0-rc2

For these two websites I have the same problem. I cleared the cache and that doesn't fix it.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Do the test with a blank inteallation, the website logo overflows from the application logo. Look at my screenshot

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I tested the latest patch and it has no effect on the menu.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Thanks, it works. I had cleared cache in drupal but not in browser

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have applied the patch to the module and cleaned the cacahe but I have this error in the console and ckeditor does not load:

TypeError: this.editor.plugins.get(...).formView is null
    _changeFormToVertical https://www.example.com/modules/contrib/editor_advanced_link/js/build/editorAdvancedLink.js?v=10.1.0:1
    init https://www.example.com/modules/contrib/editor_advanced_link/js/build/editorAdvancedLink.js?v=10.1.0:1
🇫🇷France zenimagine

Sorry, error on my part, because I applied the patch to the kernel. I have now correctly applied the patch to the module, but it does not work. I have errors in the console and ckeditor does not load.

        "patches": {
            "drupal/editor_advanced_link": {
                "CKEditor 5 ^36 compatibility — necessary for Drupal 10.1.x": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-24/3350254-ckeditor-5-36-compatibility-16.patch"
🇫🇷France zenimagine

Hi, impossible to apply the patch on drupal 10.1 would you have a solution? THANKS

  - Installing drupal/core (10.1.0): Extracting archive
  - Applying patches for drupal/core
    https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-24/3350254-ckeditor-5-36-compatibility-16.patch (CKEditor 5 ^36 compatibility — necessary for Drupal 10.1.x)
   Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-24/3350254-ckeditor-5-36-compatibility-16.patch
🇫🇷France zenimagine

Very good thank you, yes you have to update the dependencies otherwise it does not work

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Hi, I just tested the patch, it works well, but needs some improvement.

When the page is at the top, the back button should disappear and appear only when you start scrolling the page.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@VM Yes but as you have specified this module is not drupal 10 compatible and there is another problem: I want there to be a flag for the user to mark that he wishes to be notified by email. Even if the user is not a member of the group.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

yes and it's been going on for over a year, this module is installed on my Drupal and I have no use for it. It would be nice to show a "Unable to uninstall" warning on the module page.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@Robert Castelo Thank you for your work, is there an update path from version 2 to version 3 ?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have Drupal 9.5.7 and just installed this module. I created a field, which I deleted and it is impossible to get rid of this module for months.

I have this message on the uninstall page with the uninstall checkbox disabled:

"Recurring Dates Field cannot be uninstalled for the following reason:
Fields awaiting deletion"

How to properly remove this module? The DEV versions have the same problem.

Please leave this open. This is a big problem and unfortunately there is no warning on the module page to indicate that it is not uninstallable.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I've been trying to uninstall this module permanently for more than 6 months and I have the exact same problem as in this question. Is there a solution ? Can you update the module to be uninstallable?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I have a Drupal 9.5 website and the PWA 1.6 module installed. Is there an update path to version 2? THANKS

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I just tested the latest DEV and saved the fields again but it doesn't fix

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Ok thanks, I just installed it and it works on Drupal 10

🇫🇷France zenimagine

it is written alpha-0 does this risk breaking the site or the module in the future ?

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Hi, I have a site with drupal 10, which version of this module should I install, on my site in production? Is it stable? THANKS

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I found, you have to replace the contextual filter for the same with depth and select 1

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Thank you it works the solution and remove drush

🇫🇷France zenimagine

@mfb I just uninstalled the module, now I have this error and the update is not done :

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires drupal/core-recommended 10.0.2 -> satisfiable by drupal/core-recommended[10.0.2].
- drupal/core-recommended 10.0.2 requires psr/log ~3.0.0 -> found psr/log[3.0.0] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

🇫🇷France zenimagine

Do you have a solution because this completely blocks the update to Drupal 10 :

https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3335486 💬 Unable to upgrade Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 Fixed

🇫🇷France zenimagine

I found this link but I don't speak English, I use a translator. What command should I enter in cli?


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