Account created on 17 January 2015, almost 10 years ago

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🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

imclean, hi sorry for late reposne, Yes, all works good with that option, I think it should go to main version ;)

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

This is example raw query when you don't add alias in $query->select('node_access'), there is 2x node_access

SELECT 1 AS "expression"
"node_access" "node_access"
WHERE ("grant_view" >= '1') AND ((("nid" = '22487') AND ("langcode" = 'pl')) OR ("nid" = '0')) AND ((("gid" IN ('0')) AND ("realm" = 'all')) OR (("gid" IN ('2'));

Repeating table names 2x is a syntax error, and SQL must process it. With small queries, it's not noticeable, but we had a lot of users where grants were being generated for about 6000-8000 users at once. Without this change, the MySQL server would crash as it couldn't process the queries. Adding an alias in the code generated the correct syntax, and the problem disappeared.

Not sure it it relevant but i did some small test on small query and there is 0.0001s diffs between queries. (screen)

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

@smustgrave Sorry, I forgot about that issue, yes it affected all Drupals, select without alias genere 'small' syntax error, sql will handle that but lose performance. Tested on big table grands with +30k items.
PR is ready

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

For me help add moderation_state field to Sort criteria section, then sort in table header stop return error.

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

PR & Patch updated, Sorry I rarely use these tools ;)

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

PR & Pach updated, Sorry I rarely use these tools ;)

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

@catch, I checked and found that:

<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="callback=profile.lazy_load_callbacks%3ArenderMarkup&amp;args%5B0%5D=getFirstName&amp;args%5B1%5D&amp;token=WE7nT_ET1Ho6EgZoIU13pAeumXWjEVSpayPEjH2qttw">

is here, in my case RXXXXX should be replace with palceholder. So data coma from backend but was not put in correct place.

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

have te same issue after update Drupal from 8.1 to 8.2. Some placeholders randomly were not rendered.

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

Hi, imclean, I know how to set a header, but earlier non coders users just download that module and just check HTML mails. After that every mails were send by html. Now they have to add some extra modules etc... . I fixed my project in hook_alter. Maybe there should be 3 option in settings? something like - send all email as html?

🇵🇱Poland Pawelgorski87

Hello, thx for quick response, so our case, we have custom module where
we have function, which is run in quee:

      $params = [
        'subject' => $subject,
        'body' => $mail,
      $this->mailManager->mail('notifications', 'notification', $email, 'en', $params);

where $mail is string with html css etc from twig.

We have to setup header html manually in that case?
in 2.2.3 mail have 2 versions - plain and html, now in our case only plain text is sent.

I debug today and in our case format HTML i changed to $format = 'plain_text'; in 386 line

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