Account created on 2 December 2014, about 10 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

It seems this got in 3.0.5 🤔️

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Switching this to Needs reviews, since the patch is working and quite straighforward.

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Same thing here, #3 fixes wsod.

A product without variation (an edge case, but the client have a complex business/product model, and some products doesn't have variation and won't ever get bought onsite).

Switching this to major since this triggers wsod, but only for specific commerce entities.

Thanks @dtamajon

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

MR #2 works here, thanks
Patch #2 should work too
+1 rtbc

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

#2 fixes wsod on Drupal 10.1

The problem was happening when adding a node that contains a video field.



🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

The MR does turn off advanced fraud signals.
I like the new Commerce / Config / Payment / Stripe settings menu item.

After disabling "Collect user interaction signals required for advanced fraud detection" cookies only gets added to checkout.

After enabling it, stripe gets added again everywhere (as commerce_stripe 1.1, since 📌 Include the Stripe.js library on all front-end paths Fixed )

Thanks @vmarchuk

Setting this as RTBC

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

I have been using this for months, still applies on today dev release.
Thanks @jonathanshaw

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

I came across this using Commerce.
Occasionally, an order gets locked (e.g. after payment gateway errors).
On the cart views, there is a drop button with actions to perform on every cart.

When a cart is locked, it's not possible to access the "modify" link on the drop button, and the anchors text remains empty.
That throws an Undefined array key "title" in template_preprocess_links() warning for every locked cart.

The MR removes the link and prevents warnings.

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Same as #6.
Plus a missing translation context.

Thanks @gnuget and @guedressel

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Thanks, I have met this issue too and #2 works for me.

I was wondering about the "use" keyword when extending classes.
After digging on this it seems that the "use" keyword is per file basis and not inherited.
(information found at SO, corroborated at

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

I understand thanks.

Some of the things I may want per type:

  • having styles in a head section
  • doctypes
  • inline styles on the body

Plus verifying each different email once. Changing email-wrap.html.twig may impact other templates.
When new "rich" email templates are added over time, they may have different wrappers.

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Well, as for the user--password-reset.html.twig, it's not important.
Just happened to have a few trivial mods I wanted to keep migrating to Symfony mailer.

But I know I will for sure want to override email-wrap.html.twig per type in a lot of projects (like commerce projects).

That leaves me with two options :

  1. adding a theme suggestion for email-wrap.html.twig in each project
  2. adding this MR via a patch

The patch feels more straightforward and easier to maintain.

🇨🇦Canada simgui8 Canada

Yes I needed other markups around the body for different types.

I had those 2 templates to migrates from swiftmailer:

I could use email-wrap.html.twig to override all types,
but couldn't use
email-wrap--commerce--receipt-resend.html.twig or

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