Account created on 31 October 2014, over 10 years ago

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🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Attached patch that resolves the issue, based on the patch attached on #3336388: Update getDrupalVersion method for D10

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

After using
composer require 'drupal/domain:^2.0@beta'

The following error show up:
PHP Fatal error: Type of Drupal\domain_source\EventSubscriber\DomainSourceRedirectResponseSubscriber::$requestContext must not be defined (as in class Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\RedirectResponseSubscriber) in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/domain/domain_source/src/EventSubscriber/DomainSourceRedirectResponseSubscriber.php on line 16

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

For import "partial", the drush command for import with the --actions option will help.

committing the --force option for export content, but keeping this task open while figuring out the --force option for import -- because of the dependencies.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Adding the --compare-dates option to the documentation.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Thank you!
Tested, if the snapshot and the files are identical then the table is not displayed.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

This can be done using drush in 4.0.x
Closing in favour of: Option to exclude entity types from import/export Active

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Closing this issue in favour of: 🐛 Proper error message when entity references fail due to dependencies not met Active

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

The import of user failed on my live site due to field validation. Could you write the name of the field which failed to validate in the error log?

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

About the files, there is a drush option that handle how the file is exported. ...

A value option to export media/files.
Values: none, base64, folder

none: means not file is moved, only the content configuration yml file
base64: put the data of the file on the yml file so it can be imported
folder: move the file to the content/config folder

ddev drush content-sync:export --entity-types=file --files=base64


UI of exporting/importing a file needs to have the options that drush have for files at least base64.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Closing this task as it is a duplicate of: 🐛 Images are not synchronized in Single item synchronisation, but the images files details are in yml files Active

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

You have to make sure that the folder in this path $app_root.'/content/sync' is writable.
When adding it on setting.php, you have to create it and make it writable.

About the files, there is a drush option that handle how the file is exported.

A value option to export media/files.
Values: none, base64, folder

none: means not file is moved, only the content configuration yml file
base64: put the data of the file on the yml file so it can be imported
folder: move the file to the content/config folder

ddev drush content-sync:export --entity-types=file --files=base64


I'm updating the title of this Issue, to reflect that the UI of exporting/importing a file needs to have the options that drush have.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Tried the case scenario you described and the export from one environment, and the import into another environment works.
I'm closing this issue.

But please feel free to open it if you face the same issue.
Note, it will be helpful to know:
If you set the content/sync folder on setttings.php
Do you see any of the content? not on the sync screen but on the Drupal content view?

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

The UI needs probably pagination or what it was suggested.

For the export using drush:
You can use the --skiplist, or restrict the content with the other options as entity type, actions, etc..

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Fix by klimp: Fixed entity's default language determination while exporting - 5 years ago (June 7th, 2019 7:22 AM)

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

This issue was fixed 5 years ago (June 7th, 2019 10:51 AM)
Fix by klimp: Fixed translations' import

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

The solution was included on the fix for: 📌 Drupal 10 compatibility update RTBC

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

I tried the code on the MR with Drush version :
and it works good for me.

Followed the next steps:

  • set the content/sync folder
  • installed/enabled the module -- as it was a new site it had only a couple of users - but the snapshot was skipped.
  • used the drush command to export the content
  • duplicated one of the YML, updated the uuid on the name and content and a couple of properties.
  • used the drush command to import the content.

Also tried the single import/export using the UI

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Closing this task as duplicate of 📌 Drupal 10 compatibility update RTBC

Thanks: uniquename, foxy-vikvik, eugeney, avpaderno, liam morland, kliker, guido_s

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Closing this task as the code has been merged to 3.0.x-dev

Thanks: izus, vladimiraus, NikolaAt, tobias märz, matroskeen, avpaderno, java008, sylvain lavielle, supriyak, sahal_va, mjgruta, orkut murat yılmaz, ericvl, leeksoup, zarexogre, Luke_Nuke, guido_s, socieboy, qzmenko,

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Thanks avpaderno,

Tobias märz, don’t hesitate to get in touch should you need more information about the project.

I've just added another co-maintainer this morning, and two more co-maintainers will be added.


🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

I was getting errors related to "loadDefaultValuesFromConfig" in multiple pages: blocks, add/edit fields, etc..

The patch here didn't help, but the latest merge ( 🐛 Cannot access Block, Field UI, Views UI config pages when Config Enforce Devel is enabled Fixed ) to the dev version of config_devel fixed the issues ( 🐛 Cannot access Block, Field UI, Views UI config pages when Config Enforce Devel is enabled Fixed )

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

After composer update and the update of core/module versions..
Started to get WSOD errors on the block page, add/edit fields, etc..

Tried the patch here: 🐛 Fix WSOD when visiting the config_enforce page Needs review . but it did't resolved the issue.

Then updated composer to use the dev version -- as that's the one that has the merge
composer require 'drupal/config_enforce_devel:1.0.x-dev@dev'

Going to the dev version resolved all the error happening in multiple pages.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

This patch worked for me --- but because I'm using pmt_bootstrap theme, so probably something else will be needed for a general solution.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

I'm facing the same error:

  The import failed due to the following reasons:                                                                                                                            
  Configuration <em class="placeholder">block.block.workflowtransitionform</em> depends on the <em class="placeholder"></em> theme that will not be installed after import.

Following steps from comment 🐛 hook_update_8003 to 8.x-1.8 installs optional config and breaks my site Active

And the error persists, after adding the change on this commit:

Commenting workflow_update_8003 didn't change anything --- I'm assuming because it was run already.

Then I tried config delete, and the issue still there:
drush config-delete block.block.workflowtransitionform

Any other suggestions will be appreciated!

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

I was having the 'hang' issue too.
It ended up being missing parents.

The same condition needed to be fixed for more than one round, to avoid infinite loops because the terms left array was always having values.
Added a patch to review 🐛 Taxonomy imports with missing parent creates an infinite loop (hang) Needs review , It takes into consideration one than more level of nesting.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

Patch attached,
It handles missing ancestor parents and infinite loops when parent hasn't been imported yet.

ie of notices when a record failed to import because missing ancestor parent:

[notice] Failed to Import "Journal article(16)" into pub_types - missing parent term 41700
[notice] Failed to Import "Abstract(23)" into pub_types - missing parent term 41700
[notice] Failed to Import "Book Chapter(96)" into pub_types - missing parent term 23

* Term 16 failed to import because parent term 41700 doesn't exist.
* Term 23 failed to import because parent term 41700 doesn't exist.
* Term 96 failed to import, because even when the parent term 23 exists, the term 23 failed to import because its missing parent --- so the parent for term 96 is invalid too.

🇨🇦Canada blanca.esqueda

@Tobias März & @apaderno

Thanks for the message and the offer to co-maintain.
I took some days to reply as I need to confirm about some resources that I was offered for this project.

I have direct contact with those devs, so for now, I think I'll decline the offer to co-maintain; But I'll leave this issue as postponed instead of closed for another 30 days - In that time it should be some movement on this project with the new help, but if not I'll go back to this task and accept your offer.


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