Patch for composer projects.
I am not sure about the test here. /antibot needs to be requested via POST, to not get the cached page, but I did just expand the existing Functional test.
One note, Combine all items into a single document must be checked in the provider config, for this to work.
Created an initial MR.
As proposed by @Berdir, a the MultipleCheckoutInterface
is added.
To be able to test this, go to admin/tmgmt/sources
, from Target language select Multiple, check the languages and then Request translations. Submit to provider. And then, if the provider implements that interface, multiple jobs will be passed to the provider via JobCheckoutManager::requestTranslationMultiple
There is a MR for GlobalLink that implements that, which is WIP ✨ Send multiple jobs in a single batch Active
Moved the logic and .... after some struggle ... extended the test.
Thx for the review. Addressed both comments.
Pushed first to fork 3.x :S Ignore that one, ... first day after holidays.
I went with the second suggestion from @Berdir
I added a test, but didn't run it locally (because of some issue with running phpunit tests). Let's see how it goes.
Thanks for the patch. I tested it and it works.
That being said, I am not sure if there is a better place to fix that. I was checking \Drupal\content_workflow_bynder\MigrationDefinitionCreator::buildMigrationDefinition but that's probably not enough.
Still setting to RTBC, then let's see what @Berdir says.
This needed a rebase for me.
The ::submitForm() fails seems to be unrelated, but minor, so I fixed them here. The missing 'derivative' key one is related to this issue but it happens on non-image assets, so I just added an isset().
Thanks for the MR and work. I tested the patch and added two comments.
From my perspective, same field name is completely fine. Maybe others have different opinions :)
That is an implementation of hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter for media library \Drupal\media_library\Form\AddFormBase::getBaseFormId. When you choose the Dropzonejs widget you basically choose a different form, which has its own unique form id.
Or am I missing somthing?
If the solution you found works for you, than I think that's the best you can do.
Seems it's something we forgot to update after renaming some config fields.
Changing the logo.
Rerolled the patch and added fix for a similar issue in GoogleAnalyticsMigrator
. Haven't checked the issue from #5.
I rebased. There is one more thing that @Berdir noticed: perimeter_honeypot_reject() needs to use the service instead of the class.
Smaller update
Closing because it's a duplicate of 🐛 Exception when trying to clone an instance of TypeError Needs review
Updating as per #4
Quick fix by doing the same as for other classes.
That was on 10.2.0-beta1 IIRC.
After discussing with @Berdir, this could also be an option: that is to provide a way to override the value.
Interdiff is against #9
Adding an option to truncate value length (not sure about the naming). If a profile uses separate fields for let's say name and surname, this can result in quite long first names and last names.
Something like this then?
Oh snap, this was already fixed in {#3396668}. Was working on alpha version so I noticed just now when I created the patch :) closing.
That is clearly the wrong patch :) sry
Not sure if I am missing something obvious. Also not sure if this is the correct approach.
Fixing data structure issue.
Initial patch.
I just added an additional request to \Drupal\tmgmt_acclaro\Plugin\tmgmt\Translator\AcclaroTranslator::createOrder
. Seems to work fine.
Initial patch.
Forgot to revert the service.yml change.
As per discussion, overriding the method. If the version is not available, then do we output something like `user-agent: "Integration-Drupal-10.1.4/dev"` (current patch) or core version?
Yes, we could also just extend that method. Would make even more sense if including all 3 is needed.
Initial patch.
We can set Framework name and Framework version via methods:
But it seems like the integration version needs to be a constant
The proposed patch results in this user agent:
user-agent: "Integration-Drupal-10.1.4/6.1.0"
Initial patch
Adding a link inside of the provider checkout info as well.
Disabling redirect after manual upload.
Few notes for the maintainer:
+++ b/auto_unban.module @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +use Drupal\auto_unban\BanIpManager as AutoUnbanBanIpManager;
I aliased this for a bit better code clarity, because the replacement class auto_unban provides has the same name as the one that it substitutes.
+++ b/auto_unban.module @@ -15,7 +24,7 @@ function auto_unban_form_ban_ip_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $for + 'data' => t('Ban count'),
We discussed with @Berdir, that just Count is a bit confusing. So we are proposing here a small renaming. Sorry for the scope creep.
Thanks. Seems it's fine even with just a new argument (that's what the module is doing anyway with $attempts).
NID for patch name is wrong. No change in content.
Thanks for the review. Something like that?
Initial patch.
Maybe just remove IPs with already expired bans?
Initial patch
Initial patch for this.
Initial patch
@NicholasS I think it should work fine, It's using the Null coalescing operator, so it should be equal to
isset($user->getPassword()) ? $user->getPassword() : '';
Or am I missing something?
Make links open in a new tab.
Doh, the tests were in a new file ...
Adding tests.
Removing debug leftover.
If the first regex matches, then the ouput street is used, which then produces unwanted results
Updated the version requirement for drush to a more up to date version. Also rebased - I've never done this on a d.o merge request though ... I hope that's ok.
That was overriding other elements.
I see, of course, we can have jobs with multiple items.
Added option to capture house address in 10/8 form to the first regex and updated the second one.
Initial patch