Account created on 25 April 2008, about 16 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

The ::submitForm() fails seems to be unrelated, but minor, so I fixed them here. The missing 'derivative' key one is related to this issue but it happens on non-image assets, so I just added an isset().

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Thanks for the MR and work. I tested the patch and added two comments.

From my perspective, same field name is completely fine. Maybe others have different opinions :)

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

That is an implementation of hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter for media library \Drupal\media_library\Form\AddFormBase::getBaseFormId. When you choose the Dropzonejs widget you basically choose a different form, which has its own unique form id.

Or am I missing somthing?

If the solution you found works for you, than I think that's the best you can do.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Seems it's something we forgot to update after renaming some config fields.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Rerolled the patch and added fix for a similar issue in GoogleAnalyticsMigrator. Haven't checked the issue from #5.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

I rebased. There is one more thing that @Berdir noticed: perimeter_honeypot_reject() needs to use the service instead of the class.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Quick fix by doing the same as for other classes.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

After discussing with @Berdir, this could also be an option: that is to provide a way to override the value.

Interdiff is against #9

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Adding an option to truncate value length (not sure about the naming). If a profile uses separate fields for let's say name and surname, this can result in quite long first names and last names.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Oh snap, this was already fixed in {#3396668}. Was working on alpha version so I noticed just now when I created the patch :) closing.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

That is clearly the wrong patch :) sry

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Not sure if I am missing something obvious. Also not sure if this is the correct approach.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

I just added an additional request to \Drupal\tmgmt_acclaro\Plugin\tmgmt\Translator\AcclaroTranslator::createOrder. Seems to work fine.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Forgot to revert the service.yml change.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

As per discussion, overriding the method. If the version is not available, then do we output something like `user-agent: "Integration-Drupal-10.1.4/dev"` (current patch) or core version?

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Yes, we could also just extend that method. Would make even more sense if including all 3 is needed.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Initial patch.

We can set Framework name and Framework version via methods:


But it seems like the integration version needs to be a constant


The proposed patch results in this user agent:

user-agent: "Integration-Drupal-10.1.4/6.1.0"
🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Adding a link inside of the provider checkout info as well.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Disabling redirect after manual upload.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Few notes for the maintainer:

  1. +++ b/auto_unban.module
    @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
    +use Drupal\auto_unban\BanIpManager as AutoUnbanBanIpManager;

    I aliased this for a bit better code clarity, because the replacement class auto_unban provides has the same name as the one that it substitutes.

  2. +++ b/auto_unban.module
    @@ -15,7 +24,7 @@ function auto_unban_form_ban_ip_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $for
    +      'data' => t('Ban count'),

    We discussed with @Berdir, that just Count is a bit confusing. So we are proposing here a small renaming. Sorry for the scope creep.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Thanks. Seems it's fine even with just a new argument (that's what the module is doing anyway with $attempts).

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

NID for patch name is wrong. No change in content.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Thanks for the review. Something like that?

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Maybe just remove IPs with already expired bans?

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

@NicholasS I think it should work fine, It's using the Null coalescing operator, so it should be equal to

isset($user->getPassword()) ? $user->getPassword() : '';

Or am I missing something?

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

If the first regex matches, then the ouput street is used, which then produces unwanted results

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Updated the version requirement for drush to a more up to date version. Also rebased - I've never done this on a d.o merge request though ... I hope that's ok.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Primsi made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

I see, of course, we can have jobs with multiple items.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Added option to capture house address in 10/8 form to the first regex and updated the second one.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Execution mistakenly left out after that bit of refactoring.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Thanks. Implemented suggestions.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Patch had no content ... probably wrong git diff > ... Fixing.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Here is an inital patch based on the SanitizeUserFieldsCommands.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Forgot a screenshot there.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

> you return here, so the event actually does _not_ run?

Here it doesn't, correct.

> That would mean that we don't have to touch this at all except change the todo or so?

I am not sure if I understand. You mean later, if we want to ditch this logic?

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

This patch leaves the setting and provides transliteration+sanitation if the option is turned to TRUE. If the option is FALSE, then no transliteration and no sanitation is provided. \Drupal\system\EventSubscriber\SecurityFileUploadEventSubscriber::sanitizeName still runs.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

Initial patch with solution proposed by @Berdir.

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

The only thing I am not sure about is: we are changing the dropzone setting meaning from "use transliteration alongside the renaming stuff" to "use/don't use trasliteration AND the renaming stuff".

🇸🇮Slovenia Primsi

A slightly different approach: use the old logic only if the transliteration setting is still there add a checkbox to the file settings form as an option to remove it.

Production build 0.67.2 2024