Lansing, MI
Account created on 14 March 2013, almost 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

For those facing a similar issuer, getting the container running again and clearing cache fixed the issue. It appears that in the update the cache was somehow not cleared. Unsure if there are other issues or not.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

GPL license recommendations are to include the info in all files: not moving it into separate file.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

It is NEVER appropriate to put 2 unrelated issues into the same ticket.

While the version will be changed. The license will not as that is the only way MSU allows the release of Open Source software.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

For those that may come across this issue, to repair:
composer clearcache
composer reinstall drupal/webform
worked for me.

If that does not work, try
composer reinstall drupal/webform --prefer-dist.

My guess is that the packaging script of was messed up at some point, but that is only a conjecture. But this worked, no changes to composer.json nor composer.lock.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

name : drupal/webform
descrip. : Enables the creation of webforms and questionnaires.
keywords :
versions : * 6.2.7
type : drupal-module
license : GNU General Public License v2.0 or later (GPL-2.0-or-later) (OSI approved)
homepage :
source : [git] 6.2.7
dist : [zip] 6.2.7
path : /opt/drupal/web/modules/contrib/webform
names : drupal/webform

source :
issues :
docs :
forum :

drupal/core ^10.1
php >=8.1

requires (dev)
drupal/address 1.x-dev
drupal/bootstrap 3.x-dev
drupal/captcha ^1 || ^2
drupal/chosen 3.0.x-dev
drupal/ckeditor 1.0.x-dev
drupal/clientside_validation ^3 || ^4
drupal/clientside_validation_jquery *
drupal/devel 5.x-dev
drupal/entity 1.x-dev
drupal/entity_print 2.x-dev
drupal/group 1.x-dev
drupal/hal 1 - 2
drupal/jquery_ui 1.x-dev
drupal/jquery_ui_button 2.x-dev
drupal/jquery_ui_checkboxradio 2.x-dev
drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker 2.x-dev
drupal/mailsystem 4.x-dev
drupal/metatag 1.x-dev
drupal/paragraphs 1.x-dev
drupal/select2 1.x-dev
drupal/smtp 1.x-dev
drupal/styleguide ^1 || ^2
drupal/telephone_validation 2.x-dev
drupal/token 1.x-dev
drupal/variationcache 1.x-dev
drupal/webform_access *
drupal/webform_attachment *
drupal/webform_clientside_validation *
drupal/webform_devel *
drupal/webform_entity_print *
drupal/webform_node *
drupal/webform_options_limit *
drupal/webform_scheduled_email *
drupal/webform_share *
drupal/webform_ui *

drupal/jquery_ui_buttons Provides jQuery UI Checkboxradio library. Required by the Webform jQueryUI Buttons module. The Webform jQueryUI Buttons module is deprecated because jQueryUI is no longer maintained.
drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker Provides jQuery UI Datepicker library. Required to support datepickers. The Webform jQueryUI Datepicker module is deprecated because jQueryUI is no longer maintained.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Patch works as expected.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

No, there is an accessible title (not label) on the select all, but not on the individual rows. Slightly different emphasis that seems to go with the earlier discussion on this ticket before it was originally closed. That is why I reopened with better specificity.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Patch file

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

I agree this is a huge issue. The Likert report is practically useless. +1 for fixing this.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Thank you for the prompt response:

I have tried these variations, they save and edit without problem, but do not function properly.

  - ':input[name="assistant_dean_email"]':
      value: '[current-user:mail]'
  - or
  - ':input[name="area_of_access"]':
      value: some_access
      value: some_user


  - ':input[name="assistant_dean_email"]':
      value: '[current-user:mail]'
  - or
    - ':input[name="area_of_access"]':
        value: some_access
    - ':input[name="current_logged_in_user"]':
        value: some_user
For others facing the same problem, I did get things working properly by using a hidden computed twig field and then referencing that as the condition. So my problem is solved, but the fact that this is not working is not solved.

The way that worked is:

    '#type': computed_twig
    '#title': 'AD for DSL Access'
        - d-none
    '#mode': text
    '#template': |-
      {% if webform_token('[current-user:account-name]', webform_submission, [], options) == 'some_user' and
      data.area_of_access == 'some_access' %}TRUE{% endif %}
    '#whitespace': spaceless
    '#store': true
    '#ajax': true
    '#type': fieldset
    '#title': 'Assistant Dean Approval'
        - ':input[name="assistant_dean_email"]':
            value: '[current-user:mail]'
        - or
        - ':input[name="ad_for_dsl_access"]':
            value: 'TRUE'
🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

It has been over 6 months without a merge, is this an abandoned project?

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Running into similar issue that may help with knowing the scope...which is definitely beyond the script tag. When I add items with twig such it gets changed by CKEditor before it is even saved and before the twig filter executes:

Steps to reproduce: edit a node, view source and paste the following into the textarea.

    The item you requested in the catalog (<strong>{{ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:TITLE')|e('html')}}</strong>) is currently checked out. You have two options. You can either {{'<a href="/howto/recall?TITLE='~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:TITLE')|e('url') ~ '&AUTHOR=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:AUTHOR')|e('url') ~ '&PUB=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:PUB')|e('url') ~ '&PERM=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:PERM')|e('url') ~ '&CALL=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:CALL')|e('url') ~ '&BIB=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:BIB')|e('url') ~ '&LOC=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:LOC')|e('url') ~ '&STATUS=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:STATUS')|e('url') ~ '&CAT=' ~ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:CAT')|e('url') ~ '">recall the item</a>' }} or you can request it from another participating.

Switch from view source to normal editing view and then back to view source and the code now looks like this:

    The item you requested in the catalog (<strong>{{ drupal_token('superglobals:_REQUEST:TITLE')|e('html')}}</strong>) is currently checked out. You have two options. You can either {{'<a href="/howto/recall?TITLE=&apos;~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:TITLE&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;AUTHOR=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:AUTHOR&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;PUB=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:PUB&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;PERM=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:PERM&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;CALL=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:CALL&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;BIB=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:BIB&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;LOC=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:LOC&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;STATUS=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:STATUS&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;&amp;CAT=&apos; ~ drupal_token(&apos;superglobals:_REQUEST:CAT&apos;)|e(&apos;url&apos;) ~ &apos;">recall the item</a>' }} or you can request it from another participating.

Note that the apostrophe is turned into &apos; in some areas, but not all, the first line seems untouched but the rest are munged.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

still an issue, seems to be worse with ckeditor5 for some unknown reason.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

This should be moved over to D10 as D9 is approaching EOL and D10 is where such maintenance should reside.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Not my day, Try 3

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

oops. 1st patch still contained dpm/debug info

try this one.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Can we get a release with this or is this an abandoned project? I am offering to help maintain if needed to get a release out.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

This appears to have been resolved by a subsequent core update. I apologize for not having followed the issue and marking it appropriately.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

It is when I clear caches (drush cr) that I get the error.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

What would be nice is if the 4.x supported D9, change it's info.yml and composer.json to allow D9 and then we could upgrade the module, verify it and then separately upgrade to D10. Upgrading 1 thing at a time is best practices. This is a simple change allowing the newest version of the module to work with D9.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

kwfinken created an issue.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

getting similar error:
ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerManager::__construct(), 7 passed in /opt/drupal/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 and exactly 9 expected in Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerManager->__construct() (line 96 of /opt/drupal/web/modules/contrib/scheduler/src/SchedulerManager.php).

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

I am not sure how I was added as a co-maintainer for this project in the first place. I have no objection to FatherShawn having control.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Still an issuecd :

 [ERROR] Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConf
         igurator::__construct(): Argument #1 ($container) must be of type
         er given, called in
         ader/PhpFileLoader.php on line 67

I tried cp /opt/drupal/vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector.php /opt/drupal but to no avail.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Just adding for reference, CKEditor5 is supporting their own template implementation, but it is a premium add on, not an open source feature (see

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

I marked this as drupal 9. someone else changed it to 10. I don't know if this affects 10.

🇺🇸United States kwfinken Lansing, MI

Using 3.0.7 and still running into this issue.

  • I have NO filters enabled.
  • This only happens when uploading a new file through IMCE, it works fine when using a file that was already on the server..
  • Searching for the error message, this seems to be coming from the drupal core ManagedFile element not having a content association.
    • It seems that this happens when a file is uploaded for permanent storage but not associated with a particular node or piece of content.
    • I see in modules/contrib/imce/src/ImcdFileField.php (line 137) that the image is getting an association, however in src/Plugin/IMCEPlugin/Upload.php (line 80) it is not getting an association.
    • NOTE: I have no idea if this is the cause, a clue to the cause or a red herring.
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