Actually there is an even more simple fix that worked for me without any patch. Set the metatag header in entity-print.html.twig.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
I have updated the patch from #19 🐛 not correct export character Postponed: needs info . There was a small issue with the conversion map array.
The patch throws this error in php 8.2.x
Deprecated function: mb_convert_encoding(): Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated;
Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated in PHP 8.2.
johanvdr → created an issue.
johanvdr → created an issue.
I will re-check and do the updates again.
johanvdr → created an issue.
johanvdr → created an issue.
Confirming the issue at hand with updating to the current version of gin theme: 3.0.0-rc9.
The ordered list is showing the numbering in the breadcrumb.
johanvdr → created an issue.
johanvdr → created an issue.
Indeed, it needs to be in the end using the manage Display (of the field) as a Renderer option.
For now, I will resort to using twig tweak
{{ drupal_entity('site_setting_entity', enitity_id) }}
johanvdr → created an issue.
@weeze Thank you for creating an updated patch.
Needs also a change in the core requirements.
core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
'Disable Language Content Translation' module is not compatible with drupal 10.
johanvdr → created an issue.
Should we not check for existing entities and update them instead of recreating all?
Fixed coding standards, updated README
Patch partially did not apply. Something with the last line and *.info.yml adding extra lines when performing composer install.
Based on 🐛 Node keep can be wrongly installed without creating the alias_keeper field Needs work from @akalam I created a patch following the approach: Add dependency on pathauto.
Updated patch from #2.
To bypass the warnings as mentioned above this happened most probably due to settings that are moved.
Warning: Undefined array key "disable_css" in template_preprocess_ds_entity_view() (regel 461 van /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/ds/ds.module)
Patch added.