Account created on 14 March 2013, almost 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Actually there is an even more simple fix that worked for me without any patch. Set the metatag header in entity-print.html.twig.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

I have updated the patch from #19 🐛 not correct export character Postponed: needs info . There was a small issue with the conversion map array.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

The patch throws this error in php 8.2.x

Deprecated function: mb_convert_encoding(): Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated;

Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated in PHP 8.2.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Confirming the issue at hand with updating to the current version of gin theme: 3.0.0-rc9.
The ordered list is showing the numbering in the breadcrumb.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Indeed, it needs to be in the end using the manage Display (of the field) as a Renderer option.

For now, I will resort to using twig tweak
{{ drupal_entity('site_setting_entity', enitity_id) }}

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

@weeze Thank you for creating an updated patch.
Needs also a change in the core requirements.

core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

'Disable Language Content Translation' module is not compatible with drupal 10.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Should we not check for existing entities and update them instead of recreating all?

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Patch partially did not apply. Something with the last line and *.info.yml adding extra lines when performing composer install.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

Based on 🐛 Node keep can be wrongly installed without creating the alias_keeper field Needs work from @akalam I created a patch following the approach: Add dependency on pathauto.

🇧🇪Belgium johanvdr

To bypass the warnings as mentioned above this happened most probably due to settings that are moved.

Warning: Undefined array key "disable_css" in template_preprocess_ds_entity_view() (regel 461 van /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/ds/ds.module)

Patch added.

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