Account created on 20 May 2005, about 19 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thank you so much! @salmonek

I tested the latest MR in 1.2.8 and 1.2.9 and all works as expected now.

I'll use the patch until this is merged. Do you know the ETA on 1.3.0?

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Additionally, the "add to dictionary" button is missing.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I tested the patch and I can see the new config and it's working.

I realised that with this patch, 2 specific functionalities have gone missing. I have highlighted them in the screenshot below.

The one on the left "Ignore all" is most important. Without this, a user cannot manually ignore a word.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thanks @salmonek

I create an issue fork that includes your patch and also:

- fixed a few typos
- fixed a php deprecation notice.

I tested and everything works for far, but the main request of this ticket is still missing which is to disable to "toggle" functionality.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thanks for explanation @danflanagan8

Let's leave this issue open then.

The IndexNow module has a more integrated approach with config split. Hopefully, this module can do it in such a way eventually.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Ah I see thanks for the explanation. Yes you might be right about the local browser cache. Lowering the priority to Normal then.

I guess what's needed here is a drupal permission to disallow users from being able to access the settings area when they click on the wproofreader text checker button. Is this possible?

In my case, spell checking is mandatory and I do not want to allow site editors to be able to enable/disable it. I wrote a hook_form_alter to block the node edit form from saving if there are wproofreader detected errors. If site editors can then disable the wproofreader, then it defeats the purpose of the hook_form_alter validation check.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Adding a call-to-action for donations. This lowers the bar for companies to financially contribute.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thanks for this great module! I really appreciate the efforts here! Is there a link to financially donate towards a stable release? Maybe put it on the module's homepage?

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

The patch at #5 fixes the issue for me. Thanks!

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I can confirm that @sonnykt 's solution has resolved this issue for me.

In our case, the cache tables were missing COLLATE ascii_bin. Without this, there is case insensitivity which resulted in a redirect loop as described in the ticket description.

As using the standard Drupal cache table definitions solves this issue I am going to mark this as "Closed works as designed".

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

1. Previous patch was missing config so I added that.
2. I updated the text "REQUIRED BY GOOGLE" to "Not required BY GOOGLE but recommended otherwise" as publisher is not actually required by Google.

Attaching new patch.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Attaching patch that builds on comment #1 and also adds the config

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Previous patch is missing the date_modified config

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Just adding my notes...maybe it might be valuable and some recommendations can be made so we can join our efforts.

I have a D10 site but I still have to use CK4 due to ckeditor_scayt not being available for ck5.

I'm also using the paid version of Webspellchecker on this site. For this I have written a custom webspellchecker module which works on D10, using ck4 and this current module.

The webspellchekcer module basically uses a hook_form_alter to hook into node_add and node_edit forms and blocks the form from submission if there are detected grammar/spelling errors in text and textarea fields, including nested paragraph fields. These are the requirements of the client. It also add an admin config form to Change the serviceID and on what content types this module will be used on.

The serviceID is the unique ID you get when you purchase the paid webspellchecker.

I'm unable to upgrade this module due to it only working on ck4. I read there is a Webspellchecker for ck5, but I have not gotten around to upgrading this custom module as yet (this is where help is needed).

I did contact the Webspellchecker company about 2 years ago to see if paid sponsorship can be achieved and I would put the custom module up here:

But that never happened. It seems Drupal and Webspellchecker has low demand.

This explains my comment at #4.

What's the best way to proceed here? Ideally, I would want to achieve almost the same requirements but using ck5.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I can also confirm the patch at #7 fixes the issue. (same issue as described in #10 but using PHP 8.1 and Drupal 10.1.7)

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I've tested the patch at #67 and it's working for me on D10.1.6

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

For anyone who got the error in the issue description, were you using the LiteSpeed Cache module for Drupal?

For me, I upgraded to D10, then some pages worked fine and some didn't. For the pages that didn't, the css/jss were not loaded and I saw the error in the Drupal logs (same error as this issue description).

After uninstalling the LiteSpeed Cache module, everything worked fine. Not sure if it's just me or what...

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount


Are you using the LiteSpeed Cache module by chance?

I just upgraded to D10 and I am getting this same error. Some pages, load fine and some load but the css/jss files don't load which makes the pages style-less.

After uninstalling the LiteSpeed Cache module, everything works fine.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Hi, just checking if there is any ETA on this? This particular issue is the last piece of the puzzle for a D10 upgrade for me.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Ah yes you are right.

I was initially looking at the "recommended" section on the module homepage. Minor issue then but I guess the maintainer can update that.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I have replicated it with 1.6.0. Setting status back to active.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Seems this is a core issue.

Temporary solution is to use this patch: 🐛 Layout builder cannot recover on missing layout Needs work

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Although the suggestion at #24 does indeed work, keep in mind there is a security risk here if your site was using private files. That is, your temporarily uploaded private images will be placed in the public files folder (and probably just left there I suppose).

If your site is not using private files, it should be fine to do #24 as a workaround. However, it's not a permanent solution (for e.g let's say your site were to use private files in the future, then you should revert the change).

The root issue should be fixed in this module as the permanent solution.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I've reviewed and tested the patch. It works as expected.

After applying the patch and adding the video schema tags, I can see the video structured data in the Recipe schema in the html source code. It also validates when I tested using the Google Rich Result tool.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

This code is only applicable if you use the mentioned effects (fixed header, parallax effect etc).

For sites using Bootstrap Barrio that do not use those effects, this code is 100% unused AND hinders browser performance.

(Read up on layout thrashing. This code hurts the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) core web vitals metric, especially on low-end mobiles).

It would have been better to have a enable/disable theme setting which would then load/not load this js if needed. For this reason, I am setting the status back to "Active". If you feel this issue is not important, then revert the status.

As of right now, it's loaded unconditionally.

Anyways, for the rest of us who choose not to use this code and would like to improve their INP metric slightly, you can ignore it like this.


      js/barrio.js: false
🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Just fixing a php code sniffer error.

Attached is the updated patch.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Or at least create a variable for it so we don't need to call $this->jsCollectionRenderer->render($js_assets) twice.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thank you @prudloff

Almost works now.

You just need to update the last return statement to:

return $this->jsCollectionRenderer->render($js_assets);

Otherwise the other JS on the page will be excluded from being rendered.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Hi @prudloff

Yes you are absolutely right: "JS in the head without an async or defer attribute is render blocking".

However, I tested your patch and here is what happens.


  <script src="somecode.js">...</script>. //this non-critical JS gets pushed even though it's not in the <head>.
🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thank you very much @Abhinand Gokhala K

Great work! I tested the latest patch and all the issues have been resolved and it works as expected now.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Also, it will be better to set the path correctly to add it to the Development menu at admin/config/development. Right now, users will need to manually type in the config settings form path

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Thanks Abhinand,

I have done an initial review.

For users that already have this module enabled, if we were to introduce this patch, they will get this error upon drush cr:

$ drush cr
 [warning] Trying to access array offset on value of type bool Http2ServerPushServiceProvider.php:34

So I believe you need to take care of the case where this setting has not been set initially (provide a default value of FALSE ?).

After I enabled the setting "exclude js", I can see that the JS is excluded. But when I disabled the setting, the JS is still excluded. I believe you need to revise the if() logic.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Coming to thinking of it, proposed resolution #1 is not really optimal.

Example of a js defined library:

  header: true
    dist/js/brands.min.js: { attributes: { defer: true }}

If you server pushed this js, then the defer option is kinda irrelevant.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

Just an FYI, Cloudflare automatically does this by default. (not sure about other CDNs, but probably..)

See here: (See section "Now: Turning 200 OK Link: headers into 103 Early Hints")

To summarise: Cloudflare will read your Link headers and push that through early hints via HTTP 103.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

As said in #11, I am also still experiencing this error message. I have confirmed this twice.

In my case, I am using Sendgrid to send Drupal Commerce emails for order confirmations. Apart from sending the emails to the person (1 recipient), I am using Blind Carbon Copy so now it's 2 recipients and it's breaking Sendgrid.

When I turn off the Blind Carbon Copy, it works (sending to 1 recipient).

So it seems there is something still wrong with sending to multiple email addresses.

This issue is highly critical for me as it's blocking Drupal Commerce orders from going through. I have to turn off Blind Carbon Copy in the meantime. Hence I am raising the priority to "Major" as I have a temporary workaround and hope that the maintainer will re-open this issue.

My exact error message is:

SendGrid\Exception\TypeException: "$emailAddress" must be a valid email address. Got: in SendGrid\Helper\Assert::email() (line 68 of /code/vendor/fastglass/sendgrid/src/Helper/Assert.php). is the 2nd recipient (the email that I have for bcc).

Drupal 9.54
PHP 8.0.27

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

One important thing I noticed is that some themes (core themes included) are using libraries-override to override some of the css in the system/base library. I don't think it will break anything, but the css it will try to find will not exist.

For e.g. in

        css/components/ajax-progress.module.css: css/components/ajax-progress.module.css
        css/components/autocomplete-loading.module.css: css/components/autocomplete-loading.module.css
        css/components/system-status-counter.css: css/components/system-status-counter.css
        css/components/system-status-report-counters.css: css/components/system-status-report-counters.css
        css/components/system-status-report-general-info.css: css/components/system-status-report-general-info.css
        css/components/tabledrag.module.css: css/components/tabledrag.css

In the above code, all of the source system-status-...css will be missing if this MR were to be merged.

What should we do about these kinds of cases?

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I took a stab at it and refactored most of the css that should be refactored. The remainder of css were not specific to any templates and/or were too broad and used in multiple areas of Drupal.

🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago xamount

I've seen this happen before on a production site. It was because the header size of the page was too big. (I'm not saying this is the issue specifically for you, but mentioning it here in case it might help)

Is this problem happening on just specific pages or across the entire website?

If yes to specific pages, are those pages very long?

In our case, it was because we were using a View without pagination and the page was trying to generate hundreds of results. So paginating the view helped.

You can check header size of a page by doing:

curl -s -w \%{size_header} -o /dev/null

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