Account created on 2 April 2007, almost 18 years ago

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I ran into this small issue using webforms to make a more visual selection of nodes. The patches are not working for 10.2.x. Would be great if this could be fixed , because showing ALL the results on a single page will result in performance issues.

If other people encounter the same issue:

1) go to admin/structure/display-modes/view
2) click edit and see what view_mode does NOT load to edit
3) Export your site config
5) run drush config:delete core.entity_view_mode.node.
6) compare working view_modes and fix the faulty one and import it again.

In my case it was "node.full" and "node.teaser" that where broken. I looked at a working one and made some adjustments.

uuid: youruidhere
langcode: nl
status: true
    - node
id: node.Full
label: Full
description: ''
targetEntityType: node
cache: true

I added description: '' and then reimported it and it works now.

I have "solved" it by jus adding a harcoded destination parameter to the custom link. Its is not the best solution, but it works.

With the module disabled it always goes back to "?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage//overview" , as is expected using the core interface.

With the module disabled and no harcoded parameter using a custom views link, it goes back to the term page itself.

I think the best solution is to provide some kind of hint or maybe a bit documentation about howto use the module in case of custom routes and or links :)

About that destination parameter, when NOT using a custom link, it ignores the destionation parameter and than the behaviour is as expected.

To test it, create a taxonomy, add some terms and click on "edit", the url should have a destionation parameter.

Now add a custom group and inside the group add a dialog with the following parameters:
Operations -> action : "Edit" --> select the taxonomy you just created --> save

Now go to the core taxonomy overview and list the terms and when clicking edit and than save. It should return to the overview page, not the term page itself.

Also, the custom view edit link does not have a parameter set..

As requested, here are some screenshots and a video showcasing the behavior.


Using the 'direct' edit-link does not work in views, so that is why i used a custom css class to get it working :)

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