- Issue created by @ckrina
- First commit to issue fork.
- 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
We had rude prototype for top bar elements.
https://www.drupal.org/project/navigation/issues/3408500 📌 Move the Save button into the Top Bar ActiveProbably css and markup of it can be reused
- 🇷🇺Russia kostyashupenko Omsk
Just my thoughts.
1. Each form can have several submit buttons, i.e.: Save, Preview, Something else? Which means we can't just use `for` html attribute with form_id attribute value.
2. Instead we could use somekind of<label for="edit-submit" tabindex="0">Preview</label> <label for="edit-submit--2" tabindex="0">Save</label> <label for="edit-submit--3" tabindex="0">Something else?</label>
The solution above is already working, but i don't think it's too much accessible honestly, correct me if i'm wrong.
3. Non else "native" solutions are working.
4. Potentially we could use javascript for this. For everything: creation of the "fake" submit buttons in top bar and for binding listeners.Few more thoughts but about other thing:
1. I think this task should be not only about moving "Save" button in top bar, but instead we should move all actions of the form in top bar.
2. On which pages we should do this trick? In Drupal there are many pages in admin back office with lots of forms, which has actions. I bet for any admin page where we have form, isn't it ?
3. Potentially one admin page can contain two or more forms (but i can not be sure here) - obviously we shouldn't move all actions from all forms in top bar. What to do in that case? - 🇪🇸Spain ckrina Barcelona
Answers to #6:
Each form can have several submit buttons
Ideally, we shouldn't have several Submit buttons. The other ones should be regular buttons and/or links.
The solution above is already working, but i don't think it's too much accessible honestly, correct me if i'm wrong.
See the link on the summary to Stackoverflow where explains that the main button with the attribute
should be enough to associate a button to a form-owner in modern web browsers (the ones supported by core).Other thoughts:
1.I think this task should be not only about moving "Save" button in top bar, but instead we should move all actions of the form in top bar.
Not really: we'll probably more the Delete action somewhere else more hidden to leave more space in the top bar.
2. On which pages we should do this trick? In Drupal there are many pages in admin back office with lots of forms, which has actions. I bet for any admin page where we have form, isn't it ?
This should only happen on Entity forms for now.
3. Potentially one admin page can contain two or more forms (but i can not be sure here) - obviously we shouldn't move all actions from all forms in top bar. What to do in that case?
Exactly! That's why we should move it only for Entity forms now. I forgot to add it in this specific issue. I've updated the form.
- 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
Main idea to use form attribute https://dev.to/dailydevtips1/submit-button-outside-the-form-2m6f
Claro buttons has margin so not looking good OOB. :)
We can create custom button button in fact and hide original one.
- 🇪🇸Spain ckrina Barcelona
ckrina → changed the visibility of the branch 3408500-move-the-save to hidden.
- Status changed to Needs work
about 1 year ago 3:23pm 31 January 2024 - 🇷🇺Russia kostyashupenko Omsk
MR rebased
Seems submit is working fine in top bar. But i'm thinking that maybe we shouldn't move original submit, but instead - duplicate? I find it unclear when i'm scrolling down the page and there is no "Save" button in the bottom.
- Status changed to Active
about 1 year ago 10:17am 15 February 2024 - Status changed to Needs work
about 1 year ago 10:00am 16 February 2024 - 🇪🇸Spain ckrina Barcelona
Thanks @kostyashupenko! I left a few comments in the MR plus:
This should be removing any default margin the button has to it's adjusted to the top bar and looks minimally OK:
I find it unclear when i'm scrolling down the page and there is no "Save" button in the bottom.
I totally understand this, and the reason is that you're used to find the button there. We discussed this and having the button in 2 places didn't work. We're basically trying to do a change of paradigm here on full page forms.
- 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
Better to duplicate button then.
We may create Drupal.theme.toolbarButton = () => {}
Or what i personally prefer use web component for this:
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_te... - 🇬🇧United Kingdom AaronMcHale Edinburgh, Scotland
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea here. The challenge we have to consider, I think, is that we would then have the form submit button in very different locations depending on which form your using.
For instance, if you're on the node edit form you would Save by going to the top right of the screen, but then if you go to a configuration form, you would save by going to the bottom left of the screen, that feels a bit too inconsistent.
There's also the question of whether this is follows form design best practice, the user generally expects to start at the top of the form and work their way down until they get to the bottom where they expect to find the submit button. I suspect (although we would need to test this), that users might find this change challenging, especially users who use magnification software so cannot see the entire screen at once.
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !7943Form attribute for node form, media form and taxonomy forms → (Open) created by Unnamed author
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !95163408500: Move form action buttons to top bar → (Open) created by Unnamed author
- Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 12:16pm 17 September 2024 - 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
Changes in MR!169 are not getting applied in Drupal 11.x. Getting the following error:-
Checking patch js/form-actions.js... Checking patch navigation.libraries.yml... error: navigation.libraries.yml: No such file or directory Checking patch js/form-actions.js...
Tried to apply the changes of MR!7943. Changes applied cleanly but getting console error.
I have created a new MR!9516 incorporating review comments of MR!169. I have placed all the action buttons in top bar otherwise it will be confusing for the editors imo. This is currently working for node edit form, media edit form and taxonomy term edit form.
the user generally expects to start at the top of the form and work their way down until they get to the bottom where they expect to find the submit button.
I think placing the action buttons in top bar is useful so that editor can save the form immediately after editing a field instead of scrolling down the whole form (E.g., if editor needs to edit just the first field value.). Also, top bar is currently available only on entity edit forms. When user is creating a new node/ term/ media, the save button will be in the bottom itself.
Kindly review the changes. Thanks.
- 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
@nayana_mvr, original function was written with vanilla js. Is there any special reason to sue jQuery?
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
@finnsky No specific reason. jQuery is my primary language. If required, I will re-write it in vanilla js.
- 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
Better to avoid jQuery in core contributions. You can find lot of issues in Drupal core about removing jQuery. So new code may contain it only if special reason exists
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
Thanks @finnsky for the information. I will be careful about that in future. I have update the code using vanilla js. Kindly review.
- Status changed to Needs work
6 months ago 8:21am 18 September 2024 - 🇷🇸Serbia finnsky
Few more ideas we can implement there.
1. We can not copy all buttons with original classes.
Because they contain unexpected styles. Probably it is better to create new buttons with document.createElement('button') there and copy original buttons attributes like https://codepen.io/finnsky/pen/qBzGNoZ?editors=10102. We can use existing toolbar button component for that copied buttons. Here you can see idea, https://thunderous-treacle-600c5c.netlify.app/?path=/story/page--basic (Styles can be outdated, this is old POC)
3. Classes for that buttons can be based on button type. Let's say button type="submit" is primary and other buttons just basic.
4. Here you may see original comment https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/merge_requests/9516/diffs#71...
We need to do research in Drupal core forms. and find common selector logic for them. I believe should be something. But i'm sure.
Thank you for participating
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
@finnsky I have attempted your suggestions and created a patch. Following are the changes done based on the suggestions:-
- Created new buttons when '
' which are 'Save' and 'Preview' buttons in case of node edit form. For 'Delete' action, I cloned the element as it is as I was not sure if it needs to be changed to<button>
. - Copied all attributes except '
' from original buttons to new buttons and added new classes 'toolbar-button toolbar-button--primary
' to the new buttons since both buttons have 'type=submit
' (Referred class names from https://thunderous-treacle-600c5c.netlify.app/?path=/story/page--basic). - Placed the new buttons and Delete link in the top-bar.
This is how the buttons look like now:-
Regarding the original buttons, should we just hide them from the UI or remove them completely once new buttons are created?
This is just an attempt based on my understanding. As mentioned in previous comment, this may require more research on Drupal core forms.
- Created new buttons when '
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
nayana_mvr → changed the visibility of the branch 3408500-move-save-button-to-topbar to hidden.
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
nayana_mvr → changed the visibility of the branch 3408500-move-save-button-to-topbar to active.
- 🇮🇳India nayana_mvr
@finnsky Sorry for the confusion. Since there could be more changes, I thought creating patch would be better than directly committing to the MR. I have now committed the changes to MR!9516. Please check.