Fully validatable config schema types: support dynamic types

Created on 12 December 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 5 January 2024, about 1 year ago


πŸ“Œ Configuration schema & required values: add test coverage for `nullable: true` validation support Fixed introduced the FullyValidatable constraint, which is a no-op validation constraint used only to signal that a particular config schema type is opting in to stricter validation (to avoid BC breaks/ecosystem disruption, and allow for gradual adoption). See the change record β†’ .

Quoting @effulgentsia from #3364109-60: Configuration schema & required values: add test coverage for `nullable: true` validation support β†’ :

       $root_type_has_opted_in = FALSE;
+      foreach ($parent->getRoot()->getConstraints() as $constraint) {
+        if ($constraint instanceof FullyValidatableConstraint) {
+          $root_type_has_opted_in = TRUE;

Since this MR only adds FullyValidatableConstraint to menus and shortcut sets, neither of which has dynamic types (plugins or third party settings), I think this is fine for now. However, before adding FullyValidatableConstraint to config roots that include any descendants with dynamic types, I think we need to work out how to handle those boundaries. It's impossible for a config root to know that all of the plugins within it are fully validatable, so I think the semantics of FullyValidatableConstraint must be limited to only its descendants with static types. For an element that has an ancestor with a dynamic type, we need to use that ancestor's presence or absence of FullyValidatableConstraint instead of checking ->getRoot(). But again, we can punt that to a follow-up since that's not surfaced for menus and shortcuts.

Examples of where this occurs:

If the consequences of

  type: config_test.types
    FullyValidatable: ~

would apply not just to that config schema type, but in to each of the different subbranches for each dynamic type (see \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager::replaceVariable())…

… then that would mean that for example the developer of a block plugin could start getting bug reports, because validation errors start appearing for his block plugin's settings:

  • even though the Block config entity type may declare itself fully validatable, that does not mean that every block plugin's own settings are fully validatable
  • even though the Text Editor config entity type may declare itself fully validatable, that does not mean that every text editor plugin's own settings are fully validatable
  • (recursive case: branches in branches) even though the CKEditor 5 text editor plugin may declare itself fully validatable, that does not mean that every CKEditor 5 plugin's own settings are fully validatable

Steps to reproduce

See test coverage.

Proposed resolution

  1. Limit the effects of FullyValidatable to the boundaries of its authority.

    In other words: if block.block.* declares itself fully validatable, that means that all its property paths are fully validatable, up until the point a dynamic type is used, because that is the only way to allow for contributed/custom modules to provide additional config property paths of their own.

  2. Allow a dynamic type to also opt in to being fully validatable.

    In other words:

    • Block plugins (block.settings.local_tasks_block, block.settings.system_branding_block, block.settings.system_menu_block:*, etc.)
    • Text Editor plugins (editor.settings.ckeditor5, editor.settings.unicorn, etc.)
    • CKEditor 5 plugins (ckeditor5.plugin.ckeditor5_language, ckeditor5.plugin.ckeditor5_heading, etc.)

    … all could opt in to stricter validation if each of them also specified:

        FullyValidatable: ~

Remaining tasks

Write tests as soon as πŸ“Œ Configuration schema & required values: add test coverage for `nullable: true` validation support Fixed has landed.

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Data model changes


Release notes snippet


πŸ“Œ Task

Closed: duplicate


11.0 πŸ”₯

ConfigurationΒ  β†’

Last updated 11 days ago

Created by

πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium wim leers Ghent πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

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