Let Zip::extract() throw on failure

Created on 6 November 2023, 8 months ago
Updated 7 November 2023, 8 months ago


The class `Drupal\Core\Archiver\Zip` is an adapter/wrapper for the PHP's native ZipArchive class, to implement Drupal's ArchiverInterface.

The native ZipArchive already has a flawed error behavior: In some cases, it produces warnings instead of throwing exceptions.
One such case is in ZipArchive::extractTo(), if it needs to overwrite a destination file that is not writable.
In addition to the warning, it returns FALSE (I think).

The Drupal Zip is even worse:
It does not have a return value that would indicate failure. It simply ignores the return from ZipArchive::extractTo(), and returns $this instead.

Steps to reproduce

(this example requires custom code)
Create a directory with some files inside sites/default/files.
Manually create a zip of that directory, also inside sites/default/files.
Make one of the files non-writable.
Use Drupal Zip::extract() _or_ native php ZipArchive::extractTo() to unzip the zip file into the directory, overwriting the original files.

Expected: Exception because it cannot overwrite one of the destination files.

Actual (Zip): A warning is produced, but no exception. Also no useful return value.
Actual (ZipArchive): A warning is produced, and FALSE is returned.

Proposed resolution

Let Zip::extract() throw an exception.
This can be done with set_error_handler() + try/finally.

  public function extract($path, array $files = []) {
    set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $filename, $lineno) {
      throw new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $filename, $lineno);
    try {
      $this->zip->extractTo($path, $files ?: NULL);
    finally {

    return $this;

Advertise the exception in the phpdoc of ArchiverInterface::extract().

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Last updated about 2 hours ago

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🇩🇪Germany donquixote

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