- Issue created by @efpapado
- Status changed to Needs review
about 2 years ago 10:26am 24 January 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States danflanagan8 St. Louis, US
I highly suspect this should be closed as "Works as Designed".
Please see #2692373: Value should be null when is produced skip process β
Maybe documentation could be clarified somewhere though?
- Status changed to Needs work
about 2 years ago 2:24pm 24 January 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
It does work as designed, but we should use the issue to update the documentation to be more clear. The proposed solution would be a backwards compatibility break.
I am a little disturbed that the proposed patch doesn't cause any test errors showing the BC break though. I understand why, nearly all migrate tests involve migrating into new entities, there are precious few tests involving migrating data into existing entities, and it's not the first issue where someone has proposed a patch that changes behavior on running migrations into existing entities that doesn't trigger test failures. Technically core doesn't actually provide a way to rerun migrations with update without drush, and the core migration runners in migrate_drupal_ui expect you are migrating into an empty database, so we don't really test the case where you are re-running a migration with updates, but lots of people do, so maybe we should add some tests around it.
- π³π΄Norway efpapado
I'll argue a bit more, reminding that even I myself have not yet concluded on what should be the desired behaviour.
The way it is implemented now has an internal inconsistency to the plugin itself. The plugin can be configured to run with:
* - method: (optional) What to do if the input value is empty. Possible values: * - row: Skips the entire row when an empty value is encountered. * - process: Prevents further processing of the input property when the value * is empty.
The "row" method skips the target entity completely, no entity is being created. But the "process" method does not actually skip the field, it does update it with null value, which is equivalent to the source actually having something null-ish.
If the "process" behaviour is what we want, then shouldn't the "row" method also save a new entity with all the values null/default?I understand the "skip" intention to be "don't touch it":
Row on new entity: Don't touch it, so don't save a new one.
Row on existing entity: Don't touch it, so don't update it at all.
Process on new entity: Don't touch it, so let it get it's default value as it has been declared in the field configuration.
Process on existing entity: Don't touch it, so let it keep what it already has, if it has something. - π«π·France Flow1990
@efpapado I had the same reaction as you when I went deeper into my test on this plugin. To solve this, I created a destination plugin that does the job of checking before overwriting the data, I can share it if you want.
- Merge request !4111Issue #3336070: skip_on_empty is ignored by MigrateExecutable β (Open) created by mikelutz
- last update
over 1 year ago 29,417 pass - Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 3:51pm 6 June 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
Updating the documentation to make it clear that skipping a process sets the value of the process to NULL.
- Status changed to RTBC
over 1 year ago 4:35pm 6 June 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
Seems like a simple change. Updated the tag too.
- π¬π§United Kingdom ChrisDarke London
Migrating Pittsburgh 2023 to Pittsburgh2023 tag for cleanup
- last update
over 1 year ago 29,436 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,437 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,442 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,448 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,486 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,499 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,505 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 29,531 pass - Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 6:43am 24 June 2023 - π³πΏNew Zealand quietone
The value is set to NULL in \Drupal\migrate\MigrateExecutable::processPipeline. I think this change is a bit misleading. I've made a change. What do you think?
- πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
As a practical matter, I'm not sure the extra clarification is worth it given β¨ Allow process plugins to stop further processing on a pipeline RTBC is also rtbc, and would actually change this to have the plugin set the null directly. We would have to change the documentation back again in that issue.
Still, this issue is likely to be backported and that one won't be, so maybe it would be good for 10.1 or 9.5, but I'm not sure the technical distinction is worth noting, even for the backport, as the functional effects are the same.
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
over 1 year ago 3:09am 28 June 2023 - π³πΏNew Zealand quietone
I too am not sure making the distinction is worth changing the docs for. SkipOnEmpty has been around since 2015 and there there hasn't been a demand for a change.
This can then be postponed on β¨ Allow process plugins to stop further processing on a pipeline RTBC or the change here be moved there. I am in two minds about that. For now I will postpone it.
And moving to the migration system where the migrate maintainers work.
- Status changed to Postponed
over 1 year ago 4:35am 28 June 2023 - Status changed to Needs review
9 months ago 2:57pm 10 June 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States danflanagan8 St. Louis, US
The issue this was postponed on has been fixed. Un-postponing!
I see two comments form migrate system maintainers indicating that documenting the distinction may not be worth it. I think that's especially true given the details of how the related issue was fixed.
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
9 months ago 7:23pm 17 June 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
mikelutz β changed the visibility of the branch 3336070-skiponempty-is-ignored to hidden.
- πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
mikelutz β changed the visibility of the branch 3336070-skiponempty-is-ignored to active.
- Status changed to Needs review
9 months ago 7:37pm 17 June 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States mikelutz Michigan, USA
This can be committed with review. The distinction mentioned in #19 is the distinction beteween the plugin setting the value to NULL vs the Executable setting the value to NULL when the SkipProcess Exception was thrown. Personally I don't think there is a distinction because throwing a SkipProcessException set the value to NULL, so I feel like the plugin was responsible for the NULL anyway. But the point is moot, as β¨ Allow process plugins to stop further processing on a pipeline RTBC refactored away the exception and now the process plugin does literally set the value to NULL. I consider the doc change trivial, but it's fine to commit, as it does improve the docs.
- Status changed to RTBC
9 months ago 7:43pm 17 June 2024 - Status changed to Fixed
8 months ago 9:47am 28 June 2024 - π¬π§United Kingdom alexpott πͺπΊπ
Backported to 10.3.x as a docs fix.
Committed and pushed a810a91658 to 11.x and d5c1624e7f to 11.0.x and 9dcf9acca4 to 10.4.x and d95f041bda to 10.3.x. Thanks!
alexpott β
committed d95f041b on 10.3.x
Issue #3336070 by mikelutz, efpapado, smustgrave, quietone, danflanagan8...
alexpott β
committed d95f041b on 10.3.x
alexpott β
committed 9dcf9acc on 10.4.x
Issue #3336070 by mikelutz, efpapado, smustgrave, quietone, danflanagan8...
alexpott β
committed 9dcf9acc on 10.4.x
alexpott β
committed d5c1624e on 11.0.x
Issue #3336070 by mikelutz, efpapado, smustgrave, quietone, danflanagan8...
alexpott β
committed d5c1624e on 11.0.x
alexpott β
committed a810a916 on 11.x
Issue #3336070 by mikelutz, efpapado, smustgrave, quietone, danflanagan8...
alexpott β
committed a810a916 on 11.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.