Olivero theme should place comment titles above authoring info in comment.html.twig in order to enhance screenreader experience

Created on 19 June 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 11 December 2023, about 1 year ago


The Olivero theme places the comment author and comment post date above the comment title in comment.html.twig.

As a screenreader user, this breaks my preferred method for quickly navigating/scanning through a list of comments.

My use case is to use the screenreader's ability to navigate by heading. With the current theming this has focus land on the title of comments. It seems (at least to me) counter-intuitive and a less than optimal user experience to then have to move backwards in the page to locate the comment author and post date.

This behaviour also introduces some level of inconsistency, as site content has the more typical placement of authoring information below the content title.

As a screenreader user, consistent across the site and a natural flow of focus is highly desirable. In my opinion, the current thumbing of comments is a hit on my user experience and ability to navigate comments in the most productive way.

This is a great shame, as Olivero is proving to be a great user experience in so many other ways.

I'm not a web accessibility professional, so quite possibly the current theming of comments has a logic and good practice that I am not aware of. However, it would be desirable in my opinion if the comment title were to be relocated to be the first element of a comment. This is likely a style of semantic markup that others will be familiar with and likely expect.

Proposed resolution

Make changes to comment.html.twig so that comment title is the first element of a comment.

Remaining tasks

Make suggested changes to comment.html.twig.

User interface changes

When viewing comments added to content the comment title will be located above the authoring information - new icon, author, post date, and visually hidden elements for screenreader users.

API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet

✨ Feature request

Needs work


11.0 🔥

Olivero  →

Last updated 12 days ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom Janner

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  • Needs tests

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