For many page layouts, section layouts often need to nested to achieve the required layout designs. Right now layout builder doesn't make this easy because layout sections cannot be nested. This requires developers and site builders to incorporate some other way to added these nested grids, such as a grid paragraph type, or using the standard block UI for adding sidebar blocks.
For instance, one common page layout is having a left and right sidebar section and middle content section. The left sidebar section might have a menu block, while the right might have related block such as related content/links, forms, ads, or other information complementary to the main content. Within the middle content section, content editors often still need to place content in multi-column grids. Some examples include: placing an image and text in a 2 column grid (often called a media object), a grid of cards or photos, multi-column lists, etc.
Allowing layout builder sections to be nested would greatly increase the flexibility and functionality to easily implement even the most complex of layouts.
Proposed resolution
Extend layout builder sections functionality to allow them to nested.
Remaining tasks
Agree on an approach and implement.
User interface changes
Layout builder UI will be to be adjusted to properly accommodate nested sections.
API changes
Data model changes