I have an entity query_alter that was adding a cacheable metadata to a jsonapi response and before it was working and now I get: `LogicException: The controller result claims to be providing relevant cache metadata`, any ideas? I am altering the json query by a passed argument on the url and I want that resource to be be varied by that url argument, but it seems I should not be adding it on the query alterer now, which would be the proper way?
I am/was doing this on
function microsite_query_entity_query_alter(Drupal\Core\Database\Query\AlterableInterface $query) {
$request = \Drupal::requestStack()->getCurrentRequest();
$renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
if ($request->isMethodCacheable() && $renderer->hasRenderContext()) {
$build = ['#cache' => ['contexts' => ['url.query_args:microsite_site']]];
This stopped to work after recent upgrades to core/jsonapi.
@wimleers asked
What code path in JSON:API is triggering your code to be executed? JSON:API should have the appropriate “run entity queries in a render context so it can detect bubbled cacheability and associate it with the resulting response” logic in place. If it doesn’t, that’d be a bug.
I answered: Does this answer your question https://pastebin.com/T0RvpbX3? The first path I actually now see that it’s captured and bubbled up, however the others (one per media entity) are not. Please ignore the `microsite` controller. It’s currently a bare decorator for the jsonapi controller service to add the cache context on an overridden `buildWrappedResponse()` (PoC from yesterday), but I rather not have to do something like this.
He said yes and asked to fill in a ticket, so here it is.
In the end I removed the decorator end ended up replacing the whole jsonapi.entity_resource service with the same `buildWrappedResponse()` overridden to add my needed context but not to have to override also the constructor on the decorator.
From Slack: https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C6DJEP1EK/p1556217296004400 (likely to be lost in the backscroll noise but here for reference)