Color contrast not sufficient on non-hovered, non-focused vertical orientation button in admin menu

Created on 12 April 2019, almost 6 years ago
Updated 14 February 2023, about 2 years ago

The Vertical orientation button on the right side of the admin menu at large screen sizes (or at the bottom of the admin menu when the menu is already vertically oriented)

has insufficient color contrast when it is not hovered or not focused. The SVG icon's color is set to #bebebe while the background-color is #f5f5f5

When it IS hovered, the SVG icon's color is set to #787878 with the same background color #f5f5f5, which is better, and matches the other icons in the menu

I believe it is this way because this is the only icon in the menu without associated text ... So, the icons that DO have associated text don't have a color change on hover because instead the associated text gets underlined. This one, without associated text, needs a color change on hover to indicate focus/active.

The question is, if the SVG icon color starts at the darker #787878, then what does it transition to on hover/active/focus, as there isn't really an analogous situation as far as I can tell. This is also slightly complicated by the fact that the background color for this one section of the menu is #f5f5f5 rather than #ffffff in the rest of the admin menu, which makes it harder to achieve "good" color contrast with the same icon colors.

Again, the icons are SVGs with a fill attribute specified on their path elements, so that's likely where it should be changed:


which are then referenced in:


📌 Task

Needs work




Last updated 4 days ago

  • Maintained by
  • 🇫🇷France @nod_
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