Autocomplete used on a single value field should not split input on commas

Created on 28 March 2017, almost 8 years ago
Updated 16 January 2024, about 1 year ago


When an autocomplete widget is used on a single value field the clientside javascript code treats it as a multivalue field if what is entered by the user contains commas. This results in undesired behavior where only the last value is autocompleted instead of the entire text as entered.

Steps to reproduce

1. Setup a new Autocomplete and set the "allowed number of values" to "1"
2. Type "Pine, Apple, P"

Matching tags with text "Pine, Apple, P", for example:
`Pine, Apple, Pine Apple Pen`
`Pine, Apple, Pen`


Proposed resolution

Always search full text in Autocomplete input

Remaining tasks

- Fix it to search full text on Autocomplete input
- Selection on Autocomplete should replace old tag

User interface changes


API changes

Yes. Details TBD. But something like:

  1. A new Form API attribute to toggle the split behavior.
  2. A new setting passed into autocomplete.js to toggle the split behavior.

Data model changes


Feature request



11.0 🔥


Last updated about 14 hours ago

Created by

🇭🇰Hong Kong droplet

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  • 🇸🇮Slovenia alecsmrekar

    I opened this PR with some initial work done on the JS side, it basically just avoids splitting the string if the form element has the data-autocomplete-single attribute.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom graham73may

    Facing this exact issue, very glad to see some work has been done on this already, thanks @alecsmrekar

    In my instance my Autocomplete field is replacing only the part of the string *after* the last comma. For example:

    1. Searching for "phrase with, commas".
    2. Select one of the autocomplete results, e.g. "Longer phrase with, commas"
    3. The field value is then set to "phrase with, Longer phrase with, commas".

    Patch in #21 is working for me. After applying the patch and adding the `data-autocomplete-single` attribute to my field the full value is replaced:

    1. Searching for "phrase with, commas".
    2. Select one of the autocomplete results, e.g. "Longer phrase with, commas"
    3. The field value is then set to "Longer phrase with, commas".

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser

    I think that happens in

      function selectHandler(event, ui) {
        const terms = autocomplete.splitValues(;
        // Remove the current input.
        // Add the selected item.

    Which should probably become something like this pseudo code:

      function selectHandler(event, ui) {
        const terms = autocomplete.splitValues(;
        if ( is single ) {
          // Remove all inputs, the field only allows one selection.
          terms. remove all of them();
        else {
          // Remove the current input only.
        // Add the selected item.
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom graham73may

    I think Patch #21 already delivers on that change.

    autocomplete.splitValues defined here:

    Fires autocompleteSplitValues from here:

    Which has the change:

        if (autocomplete.options.isSingle) {
          return value ? [value] : [];
  • Status changed to Needs work 7 months ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser

    Okay confirm you are saying this is working then already as is with single. So the next step here is to confirm with test coverage. Changing to NW given there is an MR

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser

    Updated issue summary to cover Graham's issue that is also fixed by this.

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  • 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica

    A client just ran into this, I agree this is confusing UX, especially if you use both: Autocomplete and Tags-Style for different use-cases in the same project.

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