Allow multiple field widgets to not use tabledrag

Created on 11 May 2014, almost 11 years ago
Updated 4 September 2024, 6 months ago

When fields allow multiple values (other than e.g. checkboxes), the widget is output in a table with tabledrag. This is functional but difficult to style to look consistent with other form elements. When a form needs to match a design, we often find ourselves fighting to hide the fact that fields, which often do not need to be orderable at all, are being presented in a tabledrag table we don't want.

This patch adds an option to the field widget settings which shows up for multiple fields to allow you to choose if the field should be orderable. If you do not choose orderable it will not use a table with tabledrag to output the fields.




✨ Feature request

Needs work


11.0 πŸ”₯

FieldΒ  β†’

Last updated about 9 hours ago

Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States Jody Lynn

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