Multilingual tour for content translation process

Created on 12 June 2013, almost 12 years ago
Updated 21 May 2024, 10 months ago

Follow up for πŸ“Œ META: Write a multipage multilingual tour Postponed .


Multilingual configuration is spread throughout the site. It would be useful to have a tour to help users know how to configure the site for multilingual. There should be individual tours for certain multilingual features and these can be linked together to make a multipage tour later via πŸ“Œ META: Write a multipage multilingual tour Postponed .

Proposed resolution

Write individual tours for the content translation process only.

Remaining tasks

Create tour yml files for the language tour:

  • Add content page (node/add)
    • Choose content type
    • Creating a node in a language (subpage = node/add/[nodetype])
    • View node translations (subpage = node/[nid]/translations)
    • Add node translation (subpage = node/[nid]/translations/add/[from-langcode]/[to-langcode]

User interface changes

New tours

API changes


Technical pointers when creating tour tips

See: for tech notes on making tour tips.

Related issues

🌱 META: Start providing tour tips for other core modules. Postponed
#1942576: Tour tips to be able to link to other pages and start tour's automatically. β†’
πŸ“Œ META: Write a multipage multilingual tour Postponed

πŸ“Œ Task




TourΒ  β†’

Last updated 3 months ago

Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

  • Novice

    It would make a good project for someone who is new to the Drupal contribution process. It's preferred over Newbie.

  • D8MI

    (Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative) is the tag used by the multilingual initiative to mark core issues (and some contributed module issues). For versions other than Drupal 8, use the i18n (Internationalization) tag on issues which involve or affect multilingual / multinational support. That is preferred over Translation.

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