Account created on 18 December 2006, about 18 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

I was able to apply patch #122 to Drupal 10.3.5 but it's missing the feature to configure an image style for the thumbnail image. I guess that feature is available in the merge request(s) but I can't apply either 4010 or 4046.

However, patch #122 includes the transcript feature which rather should be addressed in Add track to HTML5 media videos Postponed .

Attached a patch that allows for image style config but without any transcript fields. Tests are also missing. Works with Drupal 10.3.5.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

The #6 patch didn't work for me so I 'm trying a different approach.

The viewport height gets reduced by 200px if the modal from is too long. This forces a vertical scrollbar onto the .ui-dialog-content element.

This is just a quick fix that needs to be refined as the function name is still called repositionDialog.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

Thanks for opening the merge request. With that patch applied, I still get the following error:

Error: Cannot access protected property GraphQL\Error\Error::$message in __TwigTemplate_511eccd1dbfb90f954c68860ff9ce526->display() (line 121 of modules/contrib/graphql_twig/src/GraphQLTemplateTrait.php).

I re-rolled the patch with an additional fix for this error.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

We are getting the same error on a manifest form with no categories configured. I guess you didn't got that error anymore once you added categories to the manifest form. Attached patch should fix this error.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

The GuzzleHttp API changed as well so I updated the Rector patch manually.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

Another minor update to my patch as the JS validation in #8 did only work on node edit but not on node add forms.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

I agree it would be good to have the overrides as part of the field config, that's also how it was done in Layout Paragraphs Restriction.

Attached an updated patch, for now just with a bug fix for the previous patch where the schema changes weren't reflected in the JS validation.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

1) Both these update hooks are supposed to migrate existing configuration into the new schema after the changes in #3367175, correct?

I would argue you don't need these update hooks as users would likely want to change config after updating this module since there wasn't an option to define limits by region before. Once they changed and re-exported the updated config manually, any old config would be completely replaced anyway.

2) Works for me as long as the database updates go through ok :-)

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

Thanks for looking into this.

What you describe in #4 is exactly our use case.

Good suggestion to extend the UI similar to Metatag's config sets. That approach would allow for any entity type to create subsets from the global config and inherit from it.

I'll look into how much time I'd be able to put into an extended patch for this approach.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

Thanks for the patch, #12 works well for us on Drupal 9.5.10.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

The patch from #5 fixes the Call to a member function getBundleInfo() on null error we got when enabling an uninstalling the module with Layout Paragraphs 2.x enabled.

However, it doesn't make the module compatible with Layout Paragraphs 2.x. We are looking into Layout Paragraphs Limit for this, see 🌱 Add setting to limit what paragraph types can be in section layouts. Active

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

Now that 🐛 Add a way to exclude certain entity types from cloning Fixed got committed, you can configure Group relationship as a non-cloneable entity which will resolve this error. Obviously you won't be able to clone Group relationship entities but it's unlikely you'll have a use case for this, at least we don't.

🇩🇪Germany larskleiner

#5 fixed the issue for us as well.

We have Drupal 9.5.5 with an Apache Solr server and also got this error when saving a node. Disabling "Index items immediately" in the search index config fixed the error and successfully updated the search index on the next cron run.

Production build 0.71.5 2024