There are no plans to add this feature to the module. It surpasses the original intent of the module to use files and not bootstrap Drupal for every search.
Scratch my previous patch. I found out the first try/catch was useless anyway, so this new patch removes that and also makes sure an empty array is returned when there is no purpose.
Here is an updated patch.
And here is an updated patch.
The patch is incorrect. The following code will fail:
Error::logException('a11y_form_helpers', $exception);
The logException() method requires the first argument to be a class that implements the LoggerInterface and not a string. See →
The code should be:
$logger = \Drupal::logger('a11y_form_helpers');
Error::logException($logger, $exception);
The second question is why catching the PluginException is replaced by catching Exception?
Here is the patch
marty2081 → created an issue.
By the way: this issue is also present in the 3.x branch. The same changes can be applied there.
And here is a patch that fixes the issue.
marty2081 → created an issue.
And here is a patch we use to circumvent this problem (maybe someone with proper JS skills has a nicer solution, but this works for us).
marty2081 → created an issue.
I had a similar issue and Google pointed me to this issue. However disabling admin toolbar extra tools did nothing for me. Later I found this issue: 🐛 Admin page access denied even when access is given to child items RTBC and that turned out to be the actual cause.
Marty2081 → created an issue.
My apologies, here is the correct path file.
Argh, I seem to have uploaded the wrong patch file. My bad.
Here is a patch that handles both exception types:
The decrypt() method potentially throws 2 types of Exceptions. This is a snippet from the comments in the interface:
* @throws \Drupal\encrypt\Exception\EncryptException
* Thrown when decryption fails.
* @throws \Drupal\encrypt\Exception\EncryptionMethodCanNotDecryptException
* The method should throw this exception when the plugin can not decrypt
* (i.e. use a public key).